Saturday, May 18, 2013

♥ - WATTA WONDERFUL WORLD... 05/18/2013 - ♥

Don't ever forget  that you are Unique.
Be your best self and not an imitation of someone else.
find  your strength and use them in a positive way. 
Don't listen to those who ridicule the choices you make.  
Travel the road that you have chosen 
and don't look back with regret. 
You have to take chances to make your dreams happen.
Remember that there is plenty of time to travel another road – 
and still another in your journey through life. 
 Take the time to take the route that is right for you.  
You will learn something valuable every trip you take, 
so don't be afraid to make mistakes. 
 Tell yourself that you're okay as the way you are. 
 make  friends who respect your true self.
Take the time to be alone, too,
 so you can know just how terrific your own company be.  
Remember that being alone doesn't always mean being lonely,
 it can be beautiful experience of finding your creativity, 
your heartfelt feelings, and the calm and quiet peace 
deep  inside you.
Don't ever forget that you are special 
and you have within you the ability 
to make your dreams come true.

~Jacqueline Schiff~

I live for those who love me,
 for those who know me true;
For the heaven that smiles above me,
 And awaits my spirit too;
For the cause that lacks assistance,
for the wrong that needs resistance,
For the future in the distance,
and the good that I can do.

~ George Linnaeus Banks
Seek freedom
and become captive
of your desires.
Seek discipline
and find your liberty. 

~Frank Herbert
Never make your home in a place. 
 Make a home for  yourself
inside your own head. 
You'll find what you  need to furnish it -
memory, friends you can trust,
love of learning, and other such things. 
 That way it  will go with you
wherever you journey. 

~Tad Williams
If you want trust, trust others.
If you want respect, respect others.
If you want help, help others.
If you want love and peace
in your life, give them away.
 If you want great friends, be one.
That’s how it works.

Dan Zadra 
Into each day,
 put in about one teaspoonful
of good spirits,
a dash of fun,
a pinch of folly,
 a sprinkling of play,
and a heaping cupful
of good humor.

~ H.M.S.


Many things that were considered 
completely unreasonable 
a hundred years ago 
are so common today that everyone
 takes them for granted. 
Great progress is made by those who have

the foresight and the courage 
to be unreasonable.
Are your decisions being guided 
by the conventional wisdom 
about what is and what is not possible? 
That can keep you trapped 
in frustration and mediocrity.

listen to your heart 
and decide upon what you must do. 
Go beyond being merely reasonable, 
and live the life that you know is you.
Instead of worrying about 
whether something is reasonable or not, 
focus on how much 
you truly desire to let it be. 
Put the power of passion behind your efforts, 
and it won't 
really matter

 whether something is reasonable or not.

If fulfilling your true purpose 
means being unreasonable,
then go ahead and be unreasonable.
 Instead of compromising
your dreams to fit into what 
the rest of the world thinks,
Lift the world up to match
 your highest vision.
Unreasonable people change the world. 
Be willing to be unreasonable, 
and you'll make your own world a more
beautiful and fulfilling place.

Ralph Marston

Easy Chicken and Rice

1Cup uncooked regular long-grain white rice
2 1/4Cups water
2Tablespoons olive oil
1Package (8 oz) sliced fresh mushrooms (about 3 cups)
2Small red or yellow bell peppers, cut into bite-size strips (about 2 cups)
8Medium green onions with tops, finely chopped (1/2 cup)
3Cloves garlic, finely chopped
1Cup tomato pasta sauce
1/2Cup Progresso® chicken broth (from 32-oz carton)
2Cups shredded deli rotisserie chicken (from 2-lb chicken)
1Cup shredded Parmesan cheese (4 oz)
3Tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

Cook rice in water as directed on package.
Meanwhile, in deep 12-inch skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Cook mushrooms, bell peppers, onions and garlic in oil 2 to 3 minutes, stirring frequently, until vegetables are tender. Remove from heat until rice is cooked.
  • Stir rice, pasta sauce, broth, chicken and 1/2 cup of the cheese into vegetable mixture; cook over medium-low heat about 3 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until mixture is hot. Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 cup cheese and the parsley.

Make an instant cupcake carrier 
by cutting crosses into a box lid.

 Pulang Bato Falls in Valencia Negros Oriental 
Colourful faces of Davao

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