Tuesday, May 21, 2013

♥ - WATTA WONDERFUL WORLD... 05/21/2013 - ♥

In every situation
 there is the opportunity to give a little bit more.
By doing so,
 you can vastly improve the value
 created in that situation.
If you’ve already invested time
 and effort in something,
consider giving just a little bit more.
 Add to the momentum that’s already there.
If you’re already making the effort,
 giving a little bit more gives even more
value to the effort you’ve already made.
It creates greater value from the combined effort.
There are plenty of opportunities
to give a little bit more.
By doing so,
 you can easily distinguish yourself
and set yourself apart from the crowd.
Make the most of the momentum
 you’ve already established
 by extending the momentum
 as long as you can.
Once you’re on a roll,
 give a little more,
and keep your efforts
rolling strong.

Ralph Marston

Today and every day,
 give yourself credit for
the tiny gains you make
in your growth.
Know that these small steps
add up to giant leaps.

~ Unknown
If you are planning for a year,
sow rice;
 if you are planning for a decade,
 plant trees;
if you are planning for a lifetime,
educate people.

-- Chinese proverb
"It's hard to wait around
 for something that
 you know might never happen,
 but it's even harder to give up,

 when you know it's everything you want."


"Life is a series of experiences,
each of which makes us bigger,
 even though it is hard to realize this.
 For the world was built
to develop character,
and we must learn that
the setbacks and griefs
which we endure help us
in our marching onward."

~ Henry Ford
"Yesterday is a dream,
 tomorrow but a vision.
 But today Well-lived
makes every yesterday
 a dream of happiness,
 and Every tomorrow
a vision of hope.
Look well,
therefore to this Day."

~~Sanskrit Proverb

“Expectations are barometers of success.”
As nice as it would be,
you don’t just wake up one day feeling confident.
 Lasting confidence is earned,
 through successes and accomplishments.
We all place expectations
on the outcome of our performance.
 It’s important to remember that
 such expectations ultimately determine
whether you consider yourself successful or not.
If you’re consistently not meeting your expectations,
 redefine them. Make sure they are realistic.
And, most importantly,
make sure they are your own.
When you meet your own realistic expectations,
 when you measure success by your own barometer
you will feel successful and your confidence will rise.

©Jane Powell

Cookie Dough Ice Cream Dessert

1Roll (16.5 oz) Pillsbury® refrigerated chocolate chip cookies
1Container (1/2 gallon) cookie dough ice cream
2Cups Cookie Crisp® cereal
2/3Cup hot fudge topping

  • Heat oven to 350°F. Line 13x9-inch pan with heavy-duty foil, extending foil over sides of pan. In pan, break up cookie dough. With floured fingers, press dough evenly in bottom of pan to form crust.
  • Bake 15 to 18 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely, about 30 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, remove ice cream from freezer; place in refrigerator to soften.
  • Spread softened ice cream evenly over cooled crust. Top evenly with cereal; press lightly into ice cream. Place hot fudge topping in small resealable food-storage plastic bag; partially seal bag. Cut small hole in bottom corner of bag. Squeeze bag to drizzle topping over dessert. Freeze at least 1 hour or until firm before serving. Use foil to lift dessert from pan. Cut into squares.

Coffee Filter as Prep Bowl

Avoid dirty dishes when baking 
by lining the bowl you’re using 
to mix dry ingredients with a clean filter. 
Then simply trash it when you’re done. 
You can make the same cakes, 
just with less cleanup.

The coolest biker gang in the world
Puerto del Sol, Bolinao, Pangasinan


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