Monday, November 25, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD... 11/25/2013 - ♥

Change and growth can be scary, 

but so worth it.

 You're capable of so much more 

than you realize. 

Are you ready to let go 

of the things you THINK hold you back

and reach for your dreams? 

When you are, 

hold on tight and get ready 

for the adventure of a lifetime!

It's your time to soar. 

Are you ready?

Every age can be enchanting
provided you live within it...

~Bridget Bardot 

Believe in yourself
and all that you are. 
Know that there is something
inside you
greater than any obstacle.

-Christian D. Larson
Until one has loved an animal,
a part of one's soul
remains unawakened.

— Anatole France 

If you are unable
to find the truth right where you are,
where else do you expect to find it?


I have a play the melody philosophy.
It means don't over-arrange, 
don't make life difficult. 
Just play the melody—and do it 
the simplest way possible.

-Jackie Gleason

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