Friday, April 4, 2014

Always Remember to share 

the best of you with everyone. 

Sometimes a smile 

or a small gesture 

can change people's entire day. 

Sharing Love and happiness

 is free and easy 

and not only you will receive them back multiplied 

but by doing so, 

you will also start a Happy chain

 that will keep sharing Love 

and happy feelings to everyone ! 

How cool is that! 

Remember that Sharing is caring.
Survive Tough Times
Are you facing a difficult time in your life?

Give yourself the gift of patience.
 Patience is the main ingredient 
necessary to get through difficult times.

Yes,it’s hard to be patient!
 But,without patience,
 you would have no hope. 
if life was organized 
so that your desires materialized instantly,
that wouldn’t serve you either.

Patience helps you grow.
 It nourishes both compassion and empathy.
So,embrace patience.
 Ultimately this makes you stronger.

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