Saturday, April 12, 2014

I know we often want it all happy and positive, 
but that's just not where much of humanity is. 
Many of us are overwhelmed with pain, 
undigested sadness, 
unexpressed anger, 
unseen truths. 
This is where we are at, as a collective. 
So we have two choices. 
We can continue to pretend it's not there, 
shame and shun it in ourselves and others, 
distract and detach whenever possible. 
Or we can face it heart-on, 
own it within ourselves, 
look for it in others with compassion, 
create a culture that is focused on authenticity 
and healthy emotional release. 
If we continue to push it all down,
we are both creating illness 
and delaying our collective expansion. 
But if we can just own the shadow, express it, 
release it, love each other through it, 
we can finally graduate from the School of Heart Knocks
 and begin to enjoy this magnificent life as we were intended. 
Pretending the pain isn't there just embeds it further. 
Let's illuminate it instead.

~ Jeff Brown
Remind Yourself
If you know a little of yourself, 
you will have realized that 
you are more than meets your eyes 
in the mirror in the morning.
What you see is not what you are.
You see the form not the content, 
the body not the soul, 
the matter not the mind.
In quiet and profound moments, 
we innately know that is true.
But we forget...
The world tells us and wants us to believe
 that we are what we see - 
and we take the easy way out. 
We believe.

That's why the awakening of spirit 
and the flowering of our spirituality
means we have to keep reminding ourselves,
a hundred times a day, 
I am a soul - not a body,
 I am an eternal spirit -
not a perishable piece of meat. 
I am quality,
 not quantity.
I am.

freedom is not possible.
And if we are not free,
 in the deepest space
inside our own being, 
we cannot be truly happy. 

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