Saturday, April 19, 2014

Rise-up from your sadness, frustration and low spirits, 
and allow the privilege of life's challenges to be your guiding companion. 
We are all just humble students of the world.
 What lesson does this painful majesty have for you today? 
The teacher can only provide the lessons, 
but the student ultimately decides what to learn. 
Life is a procession of painful lessons, 
and how precious those lessons are; 
so precious that we rejoice in the bitter-sweet gift of life. 
If you learn to look at the worldly madness through spiritual eyes,
 you will begin to see divine balance and sanity.
 Your suffering is not senseless. 
Your suffering is here to help you unfold 
and to awaken into compassion, love and strength.

Sometimes you have to make the right decision, and sometimes you have to make the decision right.
Choosing when to make your decisions can be
just a beneficial as making the right decision 
itself. Many times when we make impulse 
decisions, based off our emotions at the time,
we discover that the decisions we made 
not be the decisions we would make if we 
would have just thought things through.
Fools are those who are willing to be guided 
their emotions as they please, but the wise see

 great error in basing their decisions off 

whatever emotions that are rising inside of 

themselves at the moment. The wise 

understand that many battles are won before 

they are really even begun, and they are won 

with great planning, and making the right 

decisions early on, even if this means making 

decisions that are tough to execute. 

Remember that whatever you are going 

through will eventually pass, don't make any 

decision that will leave you deeper in your rut.

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