Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"You think holding onto a grudge
is a good thing, 
if you hold onto the pain 
it's like it somehow makes it better 
& may even feel comfortable. 
that is the furthest thing from the truth. 
When you can finally let go of the pain 
& stop being angry...
the feeling of freedom is almost euphoric...
a feeling of weightlessness. 
That feeling is way better 
than feeling the bitterness inside 
from holding onto the grudge.

Just let it go 

& be free." 

Remember What Is Most Important. . . 
It's not having everything go right ; 
it's facing whatever goes wrong. 
It's not being without fear ; 
it's having the determination 
to go on in spite of it. 
It's not where you stand, 
but the direction you're going in. 
It's more than never having bad moments; 
it's knowing you are always bigger 
than the moment. 
It's believing you have already been given 
everything you need to handle life. 
It's not being able to rid 
the world of all its injustices; 
it's being able to rise above them. 
It's the belief in your heart 
that there will always be 
more good than bad in the world. 
It's remembering that every day ends 
and brings a new tomorrow 
full of exciting new things. 
It's loving what you do 
and doing the best you can. 

Vickie M. Worsham

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