Wednesday, October 8, 2014

"Life shouldn't be seen as a disappointment,
 it should be seen as a gift. 
Release any negative emotions 
that you have about life
 and embrace it as a pure gift of Love. 
The things that happen in life 
are meant to teach us valuable lessons,
 some we may get right away and others...
well we may have to learn the same lesson over and over 
before we finally get it...
before we finally learn what it is we were supposed to learn.
Don't say your life sucks 
and/or your life will never be any better than it is...
that is negative energy 
and you will only continue to attract more negative into your life. 
Embrace life and all it has to offer. 
Love your life...
even if things aren't what you want right now...
Love it anyway...
it may not be what you want 
but it may be what you need."

~Kim Bayne

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