Friday, October 10, 2014

The intuitive spirit-nature we all possess is a beautiful gift, 
but too often that gift is suppressed. 
In many ways 
people have been denatured and have lost the magnificent gift of intuition. 

The most accomplished people
 do not solely rely on knowing the technical aspects of their pursuit.
 While technical knowledge is useful
 it is only a small part of a true master’s brilliance. 
The master of any craft is first a master of self; cooperating
 with innate intelligence within.
 Brilliant people have learned to detach themselves 
from limiting absolutes and trust in their instincts to guide them to excellence. 
Achieving the creative pinnacle involves trusting the unknown 
guide within oneself versus intellectual force and control.
 Getting to know your inner intuitive guide
 is a liberating and meditative process of surrender. 
You cannot create a master of any craft; 
you can only help them to see their own innate genius within.
"He who looks outside dreams. He who looks within, awakens."

— Carl Jung

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