Sunday, March 3, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD 03/03/2013 - ♥

I express my care 
and concern by responding 
to situations with a cool head 
and to people with a warm heart.
If I remain aware 
that as fellow human beings 

we are all part of one family, 
and that even the smallest of gestures
can make a difference in people's lives,
I am always blessed with a caring heart.
It takes so little 
to show that I care 
yet it can mean 
so much.

Sunshine is delicious, 
rain is refreshing,
wind braces us up, 
snow is exhilarating; 
there is really no such thing 
as bad weather, 
different kinds of good weather.
- John Ruskin

God sleeps in the minerals,
awakens in plants,
walks in animals,
and thinks in man. 

~ Arthur Young

As much as I converse 
with sages and heroes,
they have very little 
of my love and admiration. 
I long for rural 
and domestic scene, 
for the warbling of birds 
and the prattling 
of my children.  
~John Adams

is taking the first step 
when you don't see 
the whole staircase.

~ Martin Luther King, Jr


I’ve been through the valley of weeping, 
The valley of sorrow and pain; 
But the God of all comfort was with me, 
At hand to uphold and sustain. 
As the earth needs the clouds and the sunshine, 
Our souls need both sorrow and joy; 
So He places us oft in the furnace, 
The dross from the gold to destroy.

Comfort is not given to us 
when we are light-hearted and cheerful.  
We must travel through the depths of emotion 
to experience comfort; 
one of God’s most precious gifts.
If you’re going through a trying time, 
understand that that’s the time 
when the Lord will be closest to you. 
 Paul says he rejoices in his tribulation,
 because tribulation brings patience, 
patience builds character and character, 

You say that you cannot cope 
with the trial you’re going through now; 
I say to you that Jesus can.  
You say that you’re being tested above 
that which you are able to contain. 
 I say God that says He’ll never allow you 
to be tested above that which you can handle. 
When we’re weak, 
the Bible says then we are strong in the Lord.  
He says in 2 Cor 12:9
 “My grace is sufficient for you.”

It is so important to have quiet time 
with the Lord Jesus Christ every day, 
preferably first thing in the morning, 
so that He can strengthen you.  
the God of the mountains 
is God in the valley too.

7th-Heaven Layered Salad

8-oz. Pkg. Cream cheese, softened 

1 c. Mayonnaise 
1 c. Sour cream 
1 t. Dried basil 
1/2 t. Garlic powder 
1/2 t. Onion powder 
1/2 head lettuce, torn 
2 tomatoes, chopped 
1 cucumber, sliced 
3 carrots, peeled and sliced 
10 to 12 green onions, finely chopped 
8-oz. Pkg. Shredded sharp Cheddar cheese 
1 lb. Bacon, crisply cooked and crumbled 

Blend together cream cheese, 
 sour cream and seasonings;
 cover and set aside. 
Layer lettuce, tomatoes, 
cucumber, carrots and onions 
in a glass trifle dish
 or 13"x9" glass baking pan;
 spoon cream cheese mixture 
over top.
 Sprinkle with Cheddar cheese 
and bacon. 
Cover and refrigerate 
until serving time. 
Serves 12. 



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