Tuesday, March 5, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD 03/05/2013 - ♥

Some people come into our lives 
and quickly go;

Some people move our souls 
to dance; 
they awaken us 
to new understanding 
With the passing whisper 
of their wisdom;

Some people make the sky 

more beautiful to gaze upon.

Friends share simple, 

ordinary times in our lives, 
Moments that become memories
that stay in our hearts forever...

And we will never, 
be the same

When was the last time 
you spent a quiet moment
just doing nothing - 
just sitting 
and looking at the sea, 
or watching the wind 
blowing the tree limbs, 
or waves rippling on a pond, 
a flickering candle 
or children
playing in the park?

~~ Ralph Marston

I still find 
each day too short 
for all the thoughts 
I want to think, 
all the walks 
I want to take, 
all the books 
I want to read
and all the friends 
I want to see.  

~John Burroughs

~ Listen to advice, 
follow your heart. ~
~ You learn the most 
from life's hardest knocks. ~

Conway Twitty

“Songs and smells 
will bring you back 
to a moment in time
more than anything else. 
It's amazing how much 
can be conjured with a few notes 
of a song 
or a solitary whiff of a room. 
A song 
you didn't even pay attention to 
at the time, 
a place 
that you didn't even know
had a particular smell.”

~*~ Emily Giffin

“Listen to the people who love you.
Believe that they are worth living 

for even when you don't believe it. 
Seek out the memories 
depression takes away 
and project them into the future. 
Be brave; 
be strong; 
take your pills. 
Exercise because it's good for you 
even if every step weighs 
a thousand pounds. 
Eat when food itself disgusts you. 
Reason with yourself 
when you have lost 
your reason.” 

~*~ Andrew Solomon

Arise early each morning 
and begin each day with Christ.
Let Christ be your stay 
and walk with Him 
throughout the day.
Daily enter into His presence 
and be renewed in your spirit by His Spirit, 
forgiving all the previous day's trespasses 
that others did against you 
and be washed by the water 
of regeneration.

Let Christ help you 
every inch of the way.
There are no problems so great 
that He cannot overcome them 
and there is no problem too small 
for Him to consider.
Let Christ help you through 
all of your life's difficulties 
and trials both big and small.

James said, 
You receive not because you ask not; 
ask and you shall receive.
What you will receive 
will be God's answer to your problem 
and not your own.
God's answer is always better 
than your own answer.

Have faith in God.


- Don't Look Back -

Don't look back on what has happened,

disappointments and sad things...

Instead look toward the future,

and the joy that each day brings.

Don't live your life unhappy,

From things already done...

Concentrate on your accomplishments,

Battles fought that you have won.

The chapters of your life are like,

A book you might have written...

Full of fun and many good times,

And those when you were bitten.

Looking back will serve no purpose,

And is a waste of time...

Mere lessons from the book of life,

That guide you down the line.

Don't look back upon your failures,

Instead keep moving on...

For life is what you make it,

And too soon has come and gone.

© Loree (Mason) O'Neil

- Chilli Paneer -

Paneer - diced into small cubes( 2 cups)

 Soya Sauce - 1/2 Cup

 Red Chillies - 4

 Green Chillies - 4
 Red Capsicum - cut into jullienes - 1/4 cup
 Salt to taste
 Shallots - diced
 One Medium sized Onion - diced in long strips
 Fresh Coriander - finelly chopped 1 tablespoon
 White Sesame Seeds 1 teaspoon ( Optional)
 Garlic 2 PODS finelly chopped
 Cooking Oil
Hoi Sin Sauce ( or any other sauce like tomoto sauce, or any curry paste will do) - 1 tablespoon

 Dice the Paneer and put into a mixing bowl.
 . Add two tablespoons of Soya Sauce.
Ensure that all the cubes are covered by the Soya Sauce by mixing well. 

Add some more Soya Sauce if needed.
. Leave it aside for 20 minutes
. Take a heavy bottomed fry pan and put it on medium heat.
. Add some oil.
. Add the whole Red Chillies (or break each chilli to 2 or 3 pieces if you like)
. Add the Paneer cubes and stir, let the Paneer cubes get golden on the outside
( ensure that there is sufficient oil otherwise the Paneer will stick to the fry pan)
 .Once the Paneer is bit crusty on the outside.
. Add the Garlic( yes, we add it after the paneer has been cooked, 

otherwise the garlic will stick to the paneer and it will browned (burnt)quickly…
. Now add the onions and stir for 2 minutes.
. Add the Red Capsicum and stir for 2 minutes.
. Add the Hoi Sin sauce ( or whatever you are using eg.any ready made curry paste), 

otherwise you can use 2 tablespoons of water to combine everything.
. As we have already added enough Soya Sauce so there may not be any need to add any salt. 

So taste it and add salt or more soya sauce if needed.
 .Add the shallots

 . Switch off the heat

 . Add the Coriander

 . Spriknle the white sesame seeds.


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