Monday, March 11, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD 03/11/2013 - ♥

What is love? 
I heard you ask,
A pointed question,
A daunting task,
A challenge for a weary mind,
To see what gems that I may find
What is love? 
My mind did say,
A caring touch?
A gentle way?
It's both of these,
but so much more,
Numerous attributes, 
to explore.

What is love? 
I searched my soul,
A loving glance?
A hand to hold?
It is these things, 
but just one part,
Of the beauty that lies 
within the heart.

What is love? 
I asked my heart,
It seemed the best place,
Where I should start.
Is it fireworks, 
or astral displays,
Which cause us to feel, 
so deeply this way?

"This is love," 
my heart replied,
"Listen closely to me,
And then you will see.
Love is not loud, 
it's a quiet sensation,
Not easily confused 
with infatuation."

"The beauty of love," 
it continued to tell,
"Is eternal endurance,
The absence of hell.
Unparalleled strength, 
in spite of adversity,
Protecting you 
with it's cloak of security."

"The gift of love," 
it sermonized on,
"Provides you with peace,
Like a golden-green morn.
It lives and breathes, 
for it is alive,
Where all your hopes 
and dreams reside."

What is love? 
You'll be glad to know,
Is the chance for two hearts,
To share and to grow.
and a listening ear,
Will dispel all your doubts, 
cast out all your fears.

What is love? 
It's simple you see,
It's essential as air,
For our souls to breathe.
It replenishes your faith, 
and self- esteem,
Allowing you to fulfill, 
all of your dreams.

When is it love? 
Your heart will know,
What you should do,
And where you should go.
It will guide your path, 
straight and true,
Be prepared for love, 
when it comes calling for you.

By E.J. Wallace

"Sometimes our light goes out,
but is blown again into flame by
an encounter with another human
being. Each of us owes the deepest
thanks to those who have
rekindled this inner light."

-Albert Schweitzer

I am determined to be 
cheerful and happy 
in whatever situation 
I may find myself. 
For I have learned
that the greater part of our misery 
or unhappiness
 is determined not by our 
but by our disposition. 

Martha Washington

It’s not about what happens. 
It’s about perspective.
 I may not be able to change 
what takes place,
 but I can always choose
 to change my thinking.

~ Michelle Sedas

Go confidently 
in the direction 
of your dreams.
Live the life 
you have imagined.

~Henry David Thoreau

"It is well to give when asked,
but it is better to give unasked,
through understanding."

-Khalil Gibran

Mother Teresa and Princess Diana

- Live for Today -

If you had a chance to live your life over again
You would find things just the same
Live for today, 
with the grass and trees
See the beauty I can see
A flower in bloom, 
a caterpillar turning to a butterfly

The garden fragrance, 
the beauty of the sky

A horse to ride, 
a carriage for me

I can feel in my heart all I want to be.

Live for today, 
the past is gone
Tomorrow the sun will shine
I can taste the sweet air
Today I can go everywhere
So let us run, 
jump or play
You never know if this will be the last day
Watch the birds make a nest
Can you see the owl
He brings happiness.

Live for today
I am like the butterfly
I will fly so very high
Come join me please
You can hear a symphony
I have the whole world
That I can see
Every country is for you and me
Let us sing, 
let us shout
Today is a day we cannot do without
Thank you Lord, 
for eyes that seE
There is beauty in the world
And there is Your beauty 
found in you and me.

(c) 2005 Linda Ann Henry 

Chicken Melts

  • 4 slices cinnamon-raisin bread
  • 2 tablespoons jalapeno pepper jelly
  • 1 package (6 ounces) thinly sliced deli smoked chicken breast
  • 3 ounces Havarti cheese, sliced
  • 1 tablespoon butter, softened

  • Spread two bread slices with jelly. 
  • Layer with chicken and cheese;
  •  top with remaining bread. 
  • Butter outsides of sandwiches.
  • In a large skillet over medium heat, 
  • toast sandwiches for 2-3 minutes 
  • on each side or until cheese is melted. 
  • Yield: 2 servings.

Easy and Creative Kitchen Solutions

After removing the top part of an apple 
and its contents, 
you can pour in apple cider, 
to serve with a cinnamon stick 
and slices of lemon. 

- MAIS -


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