Sunday, March 10, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD 03/10/2013 - ♥

To touch the heart of someone dear
Though it might sometimes cause a tear
To fall or rest upon the cheek
Should be something all should seek.

For often hearts not touched at all
Start hardening and shrinking small.
And then the time it takes to grow
A loving heart is very slow.

For hearts expand as those who care
Extend their love and let us share
A moment, space or special phrase
That eases pain on dreary days.

Or simply starts our lips to smile
And brightens time for just a while.
The ways and kinds and means of sharing
It seems to me, are based on caring.

And though we're often worlds apart,
You still can touch my very heart.
You make me smile or shed a tear.
And I'll remember year to year.

Just how your "touching"
 helped me grow.
And I just thought
 I'd tell you so.

Author Unknown

Life has got to be lived 
- that's all there is to it.
At 70, 
I would say the advantage 
is that you take life 
more calmly. 
You know that,
"This too, 
shall pass!"

~ Eleanor Roosevelt
it is necessary for us 
to speak.
At other times 
it is important 
that we be quiet. 
Wisdom comes 
with knowing 
the difference.

~ Mrs. D. E. Clay
“Develop an interest in life as you see it;
the people, things, literature, music - the world
is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures,
beautiful souls and interesting people.
Forget yourself.” 

~ Henry Miller
- Life Is A Journey -
Life is a journey through many terrain
From gardens of pleasure to deserts of pain
From an ocean of love to a jungle of hate
From mountains of glory to canyons of fate

There's a highway for joy and a highway for sorrow
A road for today and a road for tomorrow
So choose your path wisely and walk with care
If you follow your heart, you'll find your way there

I've been to the garden and planted seeds there
I've been to the desert and felt the despair
I've swam in the ocean and drank of it's wine
I climbed up the mountain to touch the sky
I went to the canyon and started to cry
I've traveled both highways,
 Both today and tomorrow 
I've basked in the joy and wallowed in sorrow

My path has been chosen and
I've walked it with care
I followed my heart and I'm on my way there
So I'll just keep walking till I find what I'm after 
To mountains and oceans and
Gardens of laughter.



1/2 teaspoon saffron threads

1 tablespoon boiling water

2 tablespoons olive oil

200g chorizo sausages, sliced
1 large brown onion, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1.4 kg chicken pieces, trimmed
1/2 cup dry white wine
2 1/2 cups chicken stock
2 cups arborio rice
400g can diced tomatoes
1 1/2 teaspoons smoked paprika
1 cup frozen peas

Place saffron in a small bowl. 
Add boiling water and set aside.

Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a paella pan or a large, 

deep frying pan over medium-high heat.
 Add chorizo and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. 
Transfer to a plate lined with paper towel.

Add remaining 1 1/2 tablespoons oil, onion and garlic to pan.
Cook for 2 minutes or until soft. Add chicken. Cook, 
turning often, for 5 to 6 minutes or until golden.
 Add wine and 1/2 cup stock. 
Reduce heat to medium. Simmer,
 uncovered, turning occasionally, 
over medium-low heat for 10 minutes 
or until almost all liquid has evaporated.

Add rice, saffron mixture, tomatoes, paprika and 1 1/2 cups stock. 

Return to simmer and cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally 
to prevent mixture from catching on bottom of pan, 
for 15 minutes or until almost all liquid is absorbed.

Add peas, chorizo and remaining 1/2 cup stock. 

Simmer, stirring occasionally, for 5 to 8 minutes 
or until stock is just absorbed. 
Season with salt and pepper. 
Serve paella at the table from the pan.
Easy and Creative Kitchen Solutions

Cut the top of an apple, 
remove the contents 
and fill it with caramel 
or almond sauce 
and serve as a dip. 
Cut the rim in a
 zig-zag design.

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