Saturday, March 9, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD 03/09/2013 - ♥

It doesn't matter if you're at work or play. 
There's so much to be thankful for 

no matter where we are. 
There's beauty everywhere, 
all along the way. 

Look up at a sunrise, 
let it warm your spirit. 
Look at the birds and the bees, 
watch a butterfly. 
Look at the trees and the flowers, 
at little children as they play. 
Look at the clouds changing shapes in the sky. 

Listen to the sounds 
that every day brings. 
Listen to a songbird, 
a babbling brook. 
Listen to the wind, 
it whispers to your heart. 
Listen to the words 
when you're reading a book. 

Beauty is all around us. 
Just look and you can see. 
Life is what we make it. 
So make it just as good as it can be. 

Start each day 
as a new beginning. 
Believe that something wonderful 
will take place. 
Open your heart 
to all that you meet. 
And keep a smile on your face. 

Enjoy the rain 
for it brings you a rainbow. 
All of this beauty is ours for free. 
The sun and the moon, 
the stars, 
The trees, 
the flowers 
and the air that we breath, 
It's all here for you and for me. 

If you can capture all of this beauty, 
And feel it the way that I do, 
Then every day will be filled 
with joy for us both. 
from sunrise to sunset 
and every hour between the two, 
All this beauty 
is but a tiny fraction 
of the love 
I hold for you.
"A lake is the landscape's 
most beautiful 
and expressive feature. 
It is Earth's eye;
looking into which 
the beholder 
measures the depth 
of his own nature."
~~ Henry David Thoreau
The road 
leading to a goal 
does not separate you
 from the destination; 
it is essentially
 a part of it.  
~Charles DeLint
Whisper some kindly word, 
to bless a wistful soul 
who understands 
that life is but
 one long caress 
of gentle words 
gentle hands.

~ Margaret P Sherwood
should drive us 
into action 
not into 

~ Karen Horney
"The world needs 
and joy.  
Use your words 
to build up,
not to destroy."

Bob Perks

- A Little Walk Around Yourself -
When you're criticizing others
And are finding here and there
A fault or two to speak of
Or a weakness you can't bear.

When you're blaming someone's weakness
Or accusing some of self...
It's time that you went out
To walk around yourself.

There are lots of human failures
In the average of us all.
And lots of grave shortcomings.
In the short ones and the tall.

But when we think of evils
Men should lay upon the shelves,
It's time we all went out
To take a walk around ourselves.

We need so often in this life
This balancing of scales.
This seeing how much in us wins,
And how much in us fails.

But before you judge another
Just to lay him on the shelf...
It would be a splendid plan
To take a walk around yourself.

--Author Unknown

Meat Sauce:

■1 lb ground beef
■1/2 cup chopped onions
■2 cloves garlic, chopped
■28 ounces crushed tomatoes
■16 ounces tomato sauce
■6 ounces tomato paste
■1/2 cup Water
■2 tbsp cooking oil
■2 tbsp white sugar
■3 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
■3 tbsp fresh Basil leaves, chopped
■1 tsp salt
■1 tsp Italian Seasoning
■1/2 tsp ground pepper

White Sauce:
■2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
■1 1/2 lb ricotta cheese
■1 piece raw egg

Other Ingredients:
■1 lb mozzarella cheese
■1 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
■1 box lasagna

1. Soak the Lasagna in water for 15 to 20 minutes

2. Cook the meat sauce:

2.1 Heat the cooking pot and pour-in the cooking oil
2.2 Sauté the garlic and onions
2.3 Put-in the ground beef and cook until color turns brown (about 7 to 8 minutes)
2.4 Add the crushed tomato, tomato sauce, and tomato paste then stir.
2.5 Put-in the fresh parsley, fresh basil leaves, sugar, salt, and Italian seasoning. Stir and simmer for 60 minutes.
2.6 Add the ground black pepper and set aside.

3. Make the white sauce.

3.1 In a mixing bowl, combine the ricotta cheese, parsley, and egg
3.2 Mix the combined ingredients then set aside.

4. Arrange the Lasagna layers

4.1 In a baking tray, pour-in 2 cups of meat sauce and evenly distribute it on the tray’s flat surface
4.2 Lay the Lasagna Noodles over the layer of meat sauce (about 6 to 7 pieces per layer)
4.3 Put half of the white sauce on top of the Lasagna Noodle layer then spread evenly
4.4 Put a layer of mozzarella cheese over the white sauce (use half of the total mozzarella cheese)
4.5 Sprinkle half of the parmesan cheese over the mozzarella cheese layer
4.6 Spread 2 cups of meat sauce over the parmesan cheese
4.7 Lay the another layer of Lasagna Noodles over the meat sauce
4.8 Put and spread the remaining white sauce (ricotta mixture) over the Lasagna Noodles
4.9 Put the mozzarella cheese over the white sauce and spread again (save some for the final topping)
4.10 Sprinkle the rest of the parmesan cheese over the mozzarella cheese layer
4.11 Pour-in all the remaining meat sauce and spread evenly
4.12 Put-in the remaining mozzarella cheese on top of the meat sauce

5. Cover the baking tray with Aluminum foil and bake in 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes

6. Remove the Aluminum foil on top of the tray and bake for 20 minutes in 350 degrees Fahrenheit

7. Serve Hot. Share and Enjoy

Use the small tension curtain rods

as a divider for cupboards.

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