Friday, March 15, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD 03/15/2013 - ♥

When going through life 
And traveling in 
The direction of 
Your dreams,
The best way 
To get ahead 
Is the simplest way: 
Take one step at a time.

Don't look over
Your shoulder;
If you do,
You'll feel the weight
Of all your yesterdays 
Upon you.

And don't worry
About what lies ahead.
By the time you get 
To the bend in the road
Or the crest of the hill, 
You're going to be better 
And stronger than 
You ever were before.

Just go one step at a time,
One day at a time. 
And you'll find
A rich, 
thankful life
You never thought
You could afford.

~Adrian Rogers

A smile costs nothing but gives much. 
It enriches those who receive 
without making poorer those who give. 
It takes but a moment, 
but the memory of it 
sometimes lasts forever. 
None is so rich or mighty 
that he can get along without it, 
and none is so poor 
that he cannot be made rich by it. 
A smile creates happiness in the home, 
fosters goodwill in business 
and is the countersign of friendship. 
It brings rest to the weary, 
cheer to the discouraged, 
sunshine to the sad,
and is nature's best antidote
 for trouble. 
Yet it cannot be bought,
 begged, borrowed, or stolen,
 for it is something that is
 of no value to anyone
 until it is given away. 
Some people are too tired 
to give you a smile.
 Give them one of yours, 
as none needs a smile so much 
as he who has no more to give.


Your purpose in life
 is to use your gifts and talents
 to help other people. 
Your journey in life 
teaches you how to do that.

~~Tom Krause

"Keep your chin up 
and you will see the clouds 
in the sky. 
Keep your chin down 
and all you will see 
is the dirt on the floor."

~~Shelley L. Young

"Life is too short 
to spend your precious time 
trying to Convince a person 
who wants to live in gloom and doom
Give lifting that person your best shot, 
but don't Hang around long enough 
for his  bad attitude 
to pull You down.
surround yourself 
with optimistic people."

~~Zig Ziglar

You cannot control what happens to you, 
but you can control your attitude 
toward what happens to you, 
and in that, 
you will be mastering change 
 rather than allowing it
 to master you.

~~Brian Tracy.


- Each New Challenge -

The faster you move forward, 
the more the wind blows 
against your face. 
When you encounter much 
difficulty and resistance, 
it is because you're in the process 
of making significant progress. 

Those who have no problems 
are those who never venture out 
to accomplish anything. 
Those who face the most challenges 
are those who end up creating 
the most value.

When a particular problem arises, 
it is because you have progressed 
to the point where you can deal with it.
When a challenge comes along, 
that's because you are truly ready 
for where it can bring you.
See the obstacles as gateways 
and you'll see their true value.

Each new challenge is a stepping stone, 
a way point on the journey 
to real and meaningful accomplishment.
Feel the stiff wind 
as it blows against your face. 
And know that what you're feeling 
is your rapid movement forward.

~~Ralph Marston

Parmesan Sage Pork Chops

  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Dash pepper
  • 3/4 cup soft bread crumbs
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons rubbed sage
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon peel
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 2 bone-in pork loin chops
  • 1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon butter or margarine

  1. In a shallow dish, 
  2. combine the flour, salt and pepper. 
  3. In another shallow dish, 
  4. combine the bread crumbs, 
  5. Parmesan cheese,
  6.  sage and lemon peel. 
  7. Place egg in shallow bowl. 
  8. Coat pork chops with flour mixture, 
  9. dip in egg, 
  10. then coat with bread crumb mixture.
  11.  Let stand for 5 minutes.
  12. In a skillet, 
  13. brown chops in oil 
  14. and butter for 2 minutes on each side.
  15.  Transfer to a greased 11-in. X 7-in. 
  16. X 2-in. Baking dish. 
  17. Bake, uncovered,
  18.  at 425 degrees F for 10-15 minutes
  19.  or until juices run clear 
  20. and a meat thermometer
  21.  reads 160 degrees F.

Easy and Creative Kitchen Solutions

Put cuttings of herbs such as parsley, 
cilantro, rosemary, 
mint, basil etc. in an ice tray, 
add olive oil and freeze. 
Next time you cook, 
you can use these 
instant flavor enhancers. 

This is a Kulintang.
Kulintang is a modern term for an ancient 
instrumental form of music composed on a row of small, 
horizontally-laid gongs that function melodically,
 accompanied by larger, 
suspended gongs and drums.

Rainbow Grapes

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