Saturday, March 16, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD 03/16/2013 - ♥

What lies behind us 
and what lies before us 
are tiny matters compared to 
what lies within us. 
We can let circumstances rule us,
 or we can take charge 
and rule our lives from within.

You are more powerful 
than the circumstances 
that buffet you. 
Believe in yourself 
and take action 
on that belief.


A man may fall many times, 
but he won't be a failure 
until he says that 
someone pushed him.

~ ~Elmer G. Letterman

"You can conquer 
almost any fear 
if you will make up
 your mind to do so. 
For remember, 
fear doesn't exist anywhere
 except in the mind."

~~Dale Carnegie
We have to learn 
to be our own best friends
 because we fall too easily
 into the trap of being
 our own worst enemies.

~~Roderick Thorp
No love, 
no friendship 
can cross the path of our destiny 
without leaving 
some mark on it forever.

-Francois Muriac 


Father O'Malley rose from his bed one morning.

It was a fine spring day in his new parish.

He walked to the window of his bedroom

 to get a deep breath of the beautiful day outside.
 He then noticed there was . . . 
a donkey lying dead 
in the middle of his front lawn. 
He promptly called the local police station.

The conversation went like this:
"Good morning. This is Sergeant Jones. 
How might I help you?"

"And the best of the day te yerself .
 This is Father O'Malley 
at St. Ann's Catholic Church. 
There's a donkey lying dead in me
 front lawn and would ye be so kind
 as to send a couple o'yer lads 
to take care of the matter?"

Sergeant Jones, 

considering himself to be quite a wit 
and recognizing the Irish accent, 
thought he would have a little fun
 with the good father, replied, 
"Well now Father, 
it was always my impression 
that you people took care 
of the last rites!"
There was dead silence on the line
 for a moment . . . 

Father O'Malley then replied:
"Aye,' tis certainly true; 
but we are also obliged
 to notify the next of kin first,
 which is the reason for me call."

 Irish Shepherd's Pie

2 c Roast beef Cooked & chopped

1 c Lamb cooked & chopped

1 ea Carrot diced & cooked

2 ea Garlic cloves minced
1 c Onion diced
1/2 ts Dried rosemary
1/2 ts Dried thyme crushed
3 TB Butter
3 TB All-purpose flour
1 1/2 c Hot beef broth
Salt & pepper to taste
4 c Potatoes cooked & mashed

Pre-heat oven to 375 deg-F.

Mince all cooked meat, lamb & beef.

Combine lamb & beef with garlic, onion & herbs.

Melt butter in a saucepan over med-heat.
Add flour using a whisk to whisk into 
bubbling butter to make a white roux.
Add broth then simmer for 20 mins.
Place chopped beef mixture into baking dish.
Add gravy to meats then adjust seasoning.
Cover lamb & beef with mashed potatoes.
Bake for 45 mins. 
Then serve piping hot.

Easy and Creative Kitchen Solutions

Make spaghetti 
and sausages in a creative way.
 Stick the spaghetti sticks 
in the sausages 
and cook them both 
in hot water. 

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