Friday, March 22, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD 03/22/2013 - ♥

before you think of saying
an unkind word 
think of someone who can't speak 
Before you complain 
about the taste of your food 
think of someone who has nothing to eat 
Before you complain about 
your husband or wife 
think of someone who's crying out to God 
for a companion 


before you complain about life 

think of someone who went too early to heaven

Before you complain about your children 

Think of someone who desires 

children but they're barren 
Before you argue about your dirty house;
someone didn't clean or sweep 
think of the people who are living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance you drive
Think of someone who walks 
the same distance with their feet 

And when you are tired 
and complain about your job think of the
the disabled
and those who wished they had your job. 

But before you think of pointing the finger 
or condemning another 
remember that not one of us are without sin
and we all answer to one maker. 
And when depressing thoughts 
seem to get you down 
put a smile on your face 
and thank God 
you're alive and still around. 

Life is a gift 
Live it... 
Enjoy it... 
Celebrate it... 

And fulfill it.

And while you are at it 
give love to someone today 
Love someone with what you do
and the words you say 
Love is not meant to be kept locked 
inside of us and hidden 
So give it away 
"Give Love to someone today!"   

~Grace Noll Crowell~

Dawn follows darkness. 
 Sunset follows day.  
Our short sojourn here
 is marked off in the steady rhythm 
of the seasons, 
tides, moons and sunsets.  
Each is a beautiful reminder---
"O my Father, You are nigh! 
Your glory fills the whole earth!  
All is well with my soul! 
 In Your presence there is joy 

~~W. Phillip Keller
Sea Edge

A life spent making mistakes
 is not only more honorable
But more useful 
than a life spent 
doing nothing. 

 ~~George Bernard Shaw

"I find it fascinating
 that most people plan 
their vacations 
with better care than
 they plan their lives.
Perhaps that is because 
escape is easier 
than change."

~~Jim Rohn
Author and Speaker

Our spiritual journeys 
are lived moment by moment, 
not day by day 
or even week by week.  
God doles out our existence to us
 one breath at a time. 
 To trust in our own means 
of survival and security
 instead of in God Himself 
is to miss out on God's serendipitous moments 
and events He has planned for us.

~~Leslie Williams
Night Wrestling

A life spent making mistakes 
is not only more honorable,
 But more useful 
than a life spent
 doing nothing. 

~~George Bernard Shaw

- Peace On Stormy Seas -

I sailed upon a tranquil sea 
Where all was peace and calm; 
I felt my life serene and blessed, 
I knew not storm or qualm.
Then clouds of doubt began to form, 
The wind did stir and blow;
My tranquil sea did heave and toss,
I felt my anguish grow.
I cried, 
"Dear Lord, are you out there? 
You see my ship storm-tossed?
Why do you leave me here alone?
I fear I may be lost."
God smiled 
and spoke these simple words,
"Peace my child, just be still;
I'm the God of the raging sea,
The waves obey my will."

"Hook your anchor onto 'The Rock' 
That holds your vessel sure. 
No evil can alarm you child, 
I'll keep your life secure."
"No harm will touch you if you trust 
And place your faith in me; 
Your storm-
tossed ship will once again 
Sail on a tranquil sea."
"So do not fear the storms of life 
That oft assail your soul; 
I am the Master of the Sea,
I'm always in control."

"The storms will surely strengthen you 
When on rough seas you sail,
For you will know the victory 
That comes when you prevail."

-- Linda J. Stevenson

Sunset Salad

                      1 package orange jell-o
                 1 cup boiling water
                                                           1 (8-ounce) can crushed pineapple with juice
                 1 teaspoon lemon juice
                     1 cup grated carrot

1 Dissolve jello in boiling water. 

2 Add pineapple, with juice, and lemon juice. 

3 Add carrots

4. Chill until set.

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