Friday, March 29, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD 03/29/2013 - ♥


Upon the cruel and rugged cross
One day on Calvary's rugged hill,
Our Savior suffered and died,
God's marvelous love was revealed.
The crimson blood ran down his face
As the crown of thorns he bore,
Each thorn was part of the curse of sin,
As his flesh was wounded and torn.
The nails which were driven in his hands and feet
Did not hold Him on that cross,
It was His great love for all fallen men,
Which made Him willingly bear sin's cost.
The sword which pierced his sinless side
Brought forth blood and water for our new birth,
The perfect Lamb of God was a living sacrifice,
He gave his life for the sins of  perishing men on earth.
He was lifted up for all to see
On the darkest day history has ever known,
But as He was lifted up, prophecy was fulfilled,
He would draw all men to Him and give a new song.
Oh the pain He must have suffered
As he hung on the cross in our place,
Knowing He was fulfilling the Father's will,
As He suffered for every nation, tribe, and race.
I wasn't there but all my sins were
When my Lord was crucified,
I wasn't there to see His passion,
But know it was for me and suffered and died.
The cross was not the end
For Sunday morning was near,
He arose in victory over death and the grave,
With a promise of the resurrection and no more tears.
From the cross to the grave
From the grave to the sky,
He has gone to prepare us a place,
Where we shall live with Him by and by.
The promise of His passion
Was fulfulled that day on Calvary,
He willingly shed His precious blood,
As He died to set me free.
We praise Him for His passion
For the agony He bore all alone,
We shall behold His face one day soon,
When He comes to take His children home.
Do we also have a passion
To tell the old, old story?
We must tell of His love and sacrifice,
He paid the price that we might live in glory.

Jo Ann Kelly ©  2012, 2005
J. P.'s Inspirations

The Hill of Calvary

On a bright and sunny morning,

a Man came and took me by the hand;
He said that He wanted me to go with Him,
to a faraway land.
I saw a hill, which looked too steep to climb,
but with my hand in His,
His strength, also became mine.
I smelled the fragrance of lilies,
and I saw them all around,
a beautiful garden with music,
filled with melodious sound.
As we made our trek upward,
to the top of the hill,
I felt a sudden sense of dread,
but, yet, I had peace still.
The higher we climbed,
the more difficult it was,
and I didn't understand the purpose,
as we stopped to pause.
I sensed a path, somewhat of sorrow,
one that was washed with tears.
But, I felt, at the same time,
there was nothing here,
to fear.
As we topped the lonely hill,
He immediately left my side.
I felt such a heavy burden,
and I wished to run and hide.
I bowed down upon my knees
and clamored to hold my place.
And then, I felt such warmth. . .
as that of a loving embrace.
I looked up to observe a Cross,
and saw that I was at His feet;
In wonder, I heard the presence of angels,
singing so pure, so sweet.
He looked down, with such love upon His bloodied face,
and told me this is where,we gather strength and grace.
"Remind My people," He said,"those who are lost and forlorn,
that they need not carry burdens,and hearts should not be torn."
"For it is here," He said,"that I forgave all men, their sin,
and if they just cast their eyes upon Me,
their lives, will be restored, once again."
"The day is drawing nigh,when I shall call all men to Me.
With My love, they shall be saved,and forever with me, be."
"I gave My life,
I died for all . . . .,
and salvation is free.
Here, upon this Cross,
upon the Hill of Calvary."

The Hammer by Ray Boltz

I was in the crowd the day that Jesus died,
and as he hung upon the cross, his mother cried.
I saw the crown of thorns he wore, the stripe upon his back,
and as the water and the blood ran out, then the sky turned black.

My mind was filled with anger, my heart was filled with shame.
This man brought only healing; who could bring him pain?
Why does it seem the strong always victimize the weak?
Suddenly I found myself, standing to my feet.

And I cried: "Who nailed him there? This child of peace and mercy?"
"Who nailed him there? Come and face me like a man."
"Who nailed him there?" Then the crowd began to mock me.
I cried "Oh my God, I just don't understand!"
Then I turned and saw the hammer in my hand.

I am just a Roman soldier, an ordinary man.
I love my wife and children, I do the best I can.
How can I have killed him? There must be someone else.
There's got to be an answer. I just can't blame myself.

"I nailed him there! This child of peace and mercy!"
"I nailed him there! I am the guilty man!"
"I nailed him there, with my sins and my transgressions!"
I cried "O my God, now I understand!'
When I turned and saw the hammer in my hand.

 Each and every one of us
has taken a personal and unique
journey to the Cross.
God has chosen pathways,experiences,
which will bring us to redemption,
with heartfelt thanks and praise.
We each have different relationships
with Christ,our Savior,
and getting to know Him personally
brings an enrichment to us,that is irreplaceable.
Blending our hearts,with His,brings about a love,
which we do not understand, but yearn for.
Believing that we have a Savior,
Who willingly gave His life, to save us and
to give us the blessing of living Eternally,
Who loves us unconditionally, is, most often,
the most difficult to fathom.
We all found the pathway to Seeking,
and we have come so far, as to trust our lives,
everything we have, into His hands.
For those who know not Christ,
are missing out on the greatest love story,
ever told.
If you know not Him, begin to seek,
and you will find Him.
He still saves!
© 2013  Sandra Lewis Pringle

Easy and Creative Kitchen Solutions

Instead of wasting tomato puree,
 freeze it in a aluminum container or a Glass,
 and slice the required amount, 
every time you need a bit to cook with.

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