Monday, April 8, 2013

♥ - WATTA WONDERFUL WORLD... 04/08/2013 - ♥

When life pushes you down,
push back!
That’s what you’re here for.
You’re capable, you’re creative,
you’re full of life and energy.
You have what it takes to move yourself
forward around any obstacle.
Don’t let anything stop you.
Take strength from meeting the challenges,
 and move ahead.
The struggles you face
are just what you need to fulfill
your potential for greatness.
A year from now,
 when you look back at today,
you’ll see that the problem
you’re so concerned with right now,
Was another valuable lesson
waiting to be learned.

"We look forward 
to the time 
when the
Power of Love 
will replace

the Love of Power. 
Then will our world
 know the blessings 
of peace."

~William Gladstone
wherever there is 
a human in need,
there is always an opportunity
 for kindness
and to make a difference.

~ Unknown

We must be steady enough 
in ourselves, 
to be open
and to let the winds of life 
blow through us, 
to be our breath, 
our inspiration; 
to breathe with them, 
mobile and soft 
in the limberness of our bodies, 
in our agility,
our ability, 
as it were, 
to dance, 
and yet to stand upright.

~ T.S. Eliot
Labor was the first price, 
the original purchase-money 
that was paid for all things. 
It was not by gold
 or by silver, 
but by labor,
that all wealth of the world
originally purchased.
~Adam Smith
If you raise 
your children
 to feel that they can 
accomplish any goal or task 
they decide upon, 
you will have
succeeded as a parent 
and you will have given
your children 
the greatest of all blessings.

~ Brian Tracy

Survive Rough Times

 When you’re looking good on the outside, 
with a new outfit or haircut, 
your day goes more smoothly 
and you handle setbacks more easily. 
This feels good and helps us 
handle the daily grind. 
But, tackling challenges is much easier 
and more dramatic when you feel good 
about yourself on the inside!
A strong self-worth builds personal resilience, 
which helps you face challenges 
and bounce back from adversity.
You grow stronger from the inside out, 
and feel the confidence to persevere 
and move forward with enthusiasm.
So when things go wrong, 
don’t reach for your credit card. 
reach inside for that priceless 
deposit of self-worth!

by Jane Powell


Aliwagwag Falls - The highest waterfall in the country
 with 388-meter-high, located in Cateel town, Davao Oriental province.
 The cascade has 13 rapids 
and looks like a stairway 
with 84 steps of varying heights.
Sweet and Sour Lapu-Lapu

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