Sunday, April 7, 2013

Maybe life is all about being first after all! 
Not so fast. 
Being first is about consciousness, not competitiveness, 
i.e., as you sow, so shall you reap. 
To be loved, you have to be willing to love first;
 to be cherished, you have to be willing to give respect first;
 to be heard, you have to be willing to listen first;
 and to experience forgiveness and freedom, 
you have to be willing to forgive first.

I honestly believe that the only way to get to happiness
 is to be happy already. 
Many people live their life according to
 the formula: Do + Have = Be. 
They cannot just be happy because first they have to do x, 
and then they have to have y. 
In other words, they have to have a house,
 they have to do more, they have to do even more,
 they have to have a partner, 
they have to have lots of money, etc. 
But why not just be happy?

In the healing process, 
people often convince themselves that they have to get well 
before they can choose happiness again. 
In my work I encourage my clients to honor their pain 
and choose peace, to feel fear and choose love,
 to face the anger and choose forgiveness, 
to experience the heartbreak and choose happiness,
 and to experience guilt and choose innocence.

Gandhi once said you have to be the change you want. 
Because the mirror cannot change without you. 
And the world is only a mirror. 
Remember, you see only your thoughts. 
When you shift, shift happens. 
If you don't, you simply experience more of the same. 
It is no good saying,
Ill be open with you, 
as soon as you are open with me. 
Be first. 
Be different if you want a different outcome. 
Be the goal.

What to be decisions will you make today? 
Think of your goals, your challenges, 
your relationships, and ask yourself,
 Is how I am being going to bring me what I really want?
 Be still a moment and reset your intention
 to be loving no matter what, 
to be kind in spite of everything,
 to shine your light come what may. 
Your to be decisions 
are between you and God. 
Let nothing steal them away.

 Robert Holden

Graduation is 
only a concept. 
 In real life,
 everyday,  you graduate. 
 Graduation is a process 
that goes on  
until the last day 
of your life. 
If you can grasp that, 
you'll make 
a difference.  

~Arie Pencovici

Love would never be 
a promise of a rose garden
it is showered 
with light of faith,
water of sincerity 
and air of passion.  

~Author Unknown

Love the moment.
 Flowers grow 
out of dark moments.
each moment is vital.
It affects the whole. 
Life is a succession
of such moments 
and to live each, 
is to succeed.

-- Corita Kent

Silence divides us. 
It diminishes our strength. 
Yet all the strength 
we need
awaits us. 
Let someone else
know you today.

~ Unknown

Awareness is a key
ingredient in success.
If you have it, 
teach it,
if you lack it, 
seek it. 

~ Michael B. Kitson

Achievement is essential

Go beyond merely being curious
about how it would be to live your dream.
Commit to it,
and experience the satisfaction of making it happen.
Do more than just talk about what you’d like to do,
or what you should be doing,
or what you plan to do.
Take the persistent actions
that will actually get it done.
Within your vision of how life can be,
there is great value,
ready and waiting to be expressed.
 Bring that vision to life,
 and bring that value into being.
Give your dreams the power of
focused attention and committed,
disciplined effort.
Feel how great it feels to make a meaningful difference
 in your life and in your world.
Achievement is not only something you can do,
it is something you have a deep and abiding longing to do.
So make your days truly rich by using them to achieve.

Achievement is essential to the great
and wonderful experience of being alive,
 of being you.
Give yourself the gift of fulfillment
 by keeping yourself working
to make a real and positive impact on life.

Ralph Marston

Corregidor Island ( Isla ng Corregidor)

Corregidor Island ( Isla ng Corregidor), 
is a lofty island located at the entrance of Manila Bay
 in southwestern part of Luzon Island in the Philippines. 
Corregidor is a historic war monument
 and part of Corregidor's Topside is the Pacific War Memorial,
 as well as a tourist destination.

Budol Fight (Boodle Fight), a Filipino military tradition wherein
 soldiers share the food that's been laden on pieces of 
banana leaves spread out on a long table. 
This tradition has crossed over to any Filipino function
 that celebrates camaraderie wherein
 guests all eat the same food with their hands.

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