Thursday, April 4, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD... 04/04/2013 - ♥

You are who you are
and you have what you have,
right now. 
And it cant be that bad,
 because otherwise
you wouldn’t be able to read this. 
The important thing
is simply to find one POSITIVE thought
 that inspires and helps you move forward.
  Hold on to it strongly,
and focus on it. 
You may feel like you don’t have much,
 or anything at all,
but you have your mind to inspire you. 
And that’s really all you need
 to start moving forward again.  

If you've never been thrilled 
to the very edges
of your soul 
by a flower in spring bloom, 
your soul has never been
 in bloom.  

~Terri Guillemets

it's important to work 
for that pot of gold.  
But other times 
it's essential to take time off
and to make sure 
that your most important 
decision in the day 
simply consists of choosing 
which color to slide 
down on the rainbow.  

~Douglas Pagels
What you are doing,
I may not be able to do
What I am doing,
 you may not be able to do
But all of us together 
are doing something...
beautiful for God.

~ Mother Teresa
"Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can."

-Arthur Ashe

Spread the joy

There’s no reason to feel the least bit guilty
about enjoying life.
If life were not to be enjoyed,
then how would it be possible
 to enjoy anything?
You are here to see the beauty,
and to enjoy it.
 You are here to feel the love,
and to delight in it all.
You are here to be aware of
how magnificent it is to be aware.
You are here to experience
what it means to exist.
There is great enjoyment
 to be found it life’s pleasures.
There is also unique enjoyment
to be found in the challenges
and the difficulties,
and in working your way through them.
Fully experience and enjoy the ups and downs
that come from passionately
 following your purpose.
Find real joy in an endless
 variety of situations,
 and truly know what it means to live.
The more you enjoy your own life,
 the more joy you have
 to give to all of life.
Live, enjoy, and spread
 your magnificent joy
far and wide.

Ralph Marston


Come and visit the Waterfalls restaurant of Villa Escudero in Laguna!
Lunch is served on bamboo dining tables
 set in a few inches of crystalline running water from the falls. 
The experience of dining on delicious local dishe
s with the sparkling waterfalls as a backdrop
 with clear spring water running over your feet is a truly singular
 and memorable experience only Villa Escudero can offer.

Lumpiang Sariwa or Fresh Spring Roll is a vegetable dish composed of different vegetables with a soft (unfried) wrapper garnished with sweet sauce and crushed peanuts. Some popular variations of this dish are lumpiang ubod (made with heart of palm) and lumpiang hubad (Unwrapped lumpiang sariwa).

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