Wednesday, April 3, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD... 04/03/2013 - ♥

When you appreciate what you have,
what you have appreciates in value.
Kinda cool right?
So basically,
 being grateful for the goodness
that is already evident in your life
 will bring you a deeper sense of happiness.
And that’s without having to go out
 and buy anything.
It makes sense.
We’re gonna have a hard time
 ever being happy if we aren’t thankful
 for what we already have.

As we get older 
it becomes more of a challenge
and too much of an excuse.
Certain things need to be 
and when we forget, 
the guilt is way too much to handle.
We choose what's important to us.
I don't think it's a male thing. 
It's more a part of our personality
and how we grew up.

I was always one 
to celebrate everything.
Like our friendship ... 
I celebrate YOU!
Make this a day to 
~ Bob Perks

Our attitudes control our lives.
Attitudes are a secret power 
working 24 hours a day,
for good or bad. 
It is of paramount importance 
that we know how to harness 
and control this great force.

- Tom Blandi

We all can make 
an impact on others 
by serving those who need serving,
comforting and
being there for those 
who are hurting,
and encouraging 
those who are sad. 
do so, 
you will find the rewards 
to yourself 
are amazing.

~ Unknown

Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat 
upon your head 
with silver liquid drops. 
Let the rain sing you 
a lullaby.
- Langston Hughes

Life is what we are 
alive to. 
It is not length 
but breath.
Be alive to goodness, 
kindness, purity, 
love, history,
poetry, music, 
flowers, stars, 
and eternal hope.

~ Maltbie D Babcock

Your time to choose

You can always live the life you choose.
Because you can always choose,
 in each and every moment, how to be.
Sure, life in this world sends all sorts of
seemingly random and often
disturbing occurrences your way.
Yet the choice of how to think and feel about them,
 and what to do with them, is yours.
It is through the use of that choice
that your life is fashioned.
From the perspective you select
comes the world you experience,
in this hour, this month,
this decade, this lifetime.
Whatever comes, will come and go.
What you choose to do with it,
 is what makes your life the way it is.
It is never too late,
and you are never too far off track
 to live the way you wish to live.
For in this very next moment,
 no matter what it may contain,
 you can choose how, and why, to proceed.
You never have to resign yourself
 to less than the best.
For now is always
your time to choose.

Ralph Marston

Hinatuan's Enchanted


Barangay Talisay, Hinatuan

Surigao del Sur, Philippines 

This little known town is blessed with

a hidden treasure --

a stunning blue lagoon nestled within

 a mountainside

 and protectively covered by a forest.

 It is called "enchanted" because no 

one has ever reached its bottom.

 Many people, including scuba divers,

 have tried reaching for the bottom

 but have failed,

 hence the legend of its bottomless


Nilagang Baka

Filipino Beef Stew with 

Clear Broth

Nilagang Baka is so easy to cook, 

the only thing that is time consuming 


 the simmering of the Beef Bones and

Beef Brisket.

 Filipinos tend to eat Nilagang Baka

as a soup

 that you drizzle on top of steamed 


White steamed rice, fish sauce with 


and chili peppers for condiments

 makes this dish a true wonder 

when it comes to lunch time.

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