Thursday, June 13, 2013

♥ - WATTA WONDERFUL WORLD... 06/13/2013 - ♥

Yes, it’s true!
No “if-ands-or-buts.”
 Once you believe this,
you set yourself free to achieve
the meaningful things you want
 to do in your life.
If you are looking outside yourself
for the key to success then stop!
Success is already inside you
and always has been.
Right now recognize it and own it.
 Don’t be afraid to step up
and be yourself.
You deserve greatness!

©Jane Powell

At the end of your life
you will never regret
not having passed one more test,
not winning one more verdict,
or not closing one more deal.
You will regret time not spent
with a husband,
a friend,
a child,
or a parent.

~ Barbara Bush
Love is a symbol of eternity. 
It wipes out all sense of time,
destroying all memory
of a beginning
and all fear of an end.
~Author Unknown
We plow the fields and scatter
the good seed on the land,
but it is fed and watered
by God's Almighty hand.

~ Jane Montgomery Campbell
Face your deficiencies
and acknowledge them;
do not let them master you.
Let them teach you

~ Helen Keller  
Our strength will continue
if we allow ourselves
the courage to feel scared,
 weak, and vulnerable.
when we need to experience
those feelings.
Today help me to know
that is okay to
allow myself to be human.
Help me not to feel guilty
 or punish myself
when i need to
"fall apart".

~Author Unknown~
Your past experience
Your time has not been wasted
and your efforts have not been in vain.
 Everything has brought you
to where you are now,
and this is a very good place to be.

From here,
you can move forward in
whatever direction you choose.
 Now, you can put your wisdom,
 your experience and even your
regrets to positive, purposeful use.

The portion of your life over which you have
 full control begins right now.
No matter where you’ve come from,
 now is your opportunity
 to choose precisely where you wish to go.

It’s easy to get caught up in thoughts
 of what could have been,
or to fall into discouragement
about what didn’t work out.
Your best option, though,
is to focus on the best of what can be
 and on enthusiastically stepping forward
to make it happen.

You are surrounded by a universe
 that’s filled with great possibilities.
Take all of your past experience
and put it to work in creating
 a future of excellence and fulfillment.

Whatever the past has been,
 it has also been very good to you,
 because it has delivered you here.
Now, take that good fortune
and put it to good use.

Ralph Marston

Idaho sunrise (baked eggs and bacon in potato bowls)

  • 1 large baked potato (russett or sweet)
  • 1 Tbsp. Butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 strips bacon, cooked and crumbled
  • 2 Tbsp. Shredded cheddar or gouda cheese
  • 1 Tbsp. Fresh parsley, chopped
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Lay the baked potato on its side, and use a knife to carefully cut off the top third of the potato. With a spoon, hollow out the middle of the potato to make a “bowl”, leaving the potato as thick or thin as you’d like. (Just remember, the more room you leave, the more room for eggs, bacon and cheese!)

Place 1/2 tablespoon of butter in the middle of each bowl. Then gently break an egg into each bowl, careful not to break the yolk. Top with bacon, cheese, parsley, and then season with salt and pepper.
Bake at 350 degrees F for 20-25 minutes, or until the egg whites are set. Serve immediately.
Store bed linen sets inside  
one of their own pillowcases 
and there will be no more hunting 
through piles for a match.
Who said men don't like flowers?

"Malumpati Health Spring and Tourist Resort is located in Sitio Malumpati, Brgy. Guia, Pandan, Antique. You can access this resort through Brgy. Sto. Rosario and Brgy. Candari.

The water comes from the Malumpati Cold Spring Headwater located about 35 minutes walk from the resort. A man-made pool was created from the river by constructing a concrete embankment so the water is kept at a certain level and allows it to overflow during heavy rains. 


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