Saturday, June 15, 2013

♥ - WATTA WONDERFUL WORLD... 06/15/2013 - ♥

Your attitudes are your choice.
It's that simple.
"Yes," you say,
"but what about when people do bad things to me
 no matter what my attitude is?"
Simply enough,
 your attitudes towards what they've done
or said also is your choice,
and your attitude will determine
whether you work your way quickly
 past the pain or dwell in it and let it
keep hurting you long after it happened.

Your attitudes are controllable.
They are changeable.
And they are one of the key factors
in whether or not you're happy with life.
If you're having trouble
changing them for the better,
 then find a role model to observe,
someone who has the type of attitude
that you'd like to have.
Emulate that person,
and watch carefully how
they approach their lives.
We all have a lot to learn in life,
and we can learn a lot
about attitudes by watching
other people in our lives.
All of us have unique
 talents and gifts.
 No obstacle,
Be it physical,
 mental or emotional,
has the power to destroy
our innate creative energies.

~ Liane Cordes
If people only knew
the healing power of
laughter and joy,
 many of our fine doctors
would be out of business.
Joy is one of nature's
greatest medicines.
Joy is always healthy.
A pleasant state of mind
tends to bring abnormal conditions
back to normal.

~ Catherine Ponder
When asked if my cup is
half full or half empty,
my only response is that
 I am thankful I have a cup.


One cannot collect
 all the beautiful shells
on the beach;
one can collect only a few,
and they are more beautiful
 if they are few.

~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Make reality your friend
Though limiting factors can be a burden,
they can also give you a solid,
predictable framework in which to operate.
What might at first seem to be an obstacle
could end up providing valuable support.
For example,
the force of gravity makes it difficult
 to move a large, massive rock.
Yet that same force will also ensure
 that the rock stays in place once you get it
where you want it.
Playing by the rules and adhering
 to a strictly defined discipline
 makes achievement more difficult.
Yet it also plays an essential role
 in making achievement possible.
No situation is inherently limiting.
Because you have the ability
 to adjust and adapt and make positive use
 of whatever factors may be present.
A massive brick wall can stop you cold,
or it can provide you with a solid foundation
 upon which to build.
It all depends on what you choose to do
 with what you encounter.
Rather than judging something to be a limiting factor,
 do the work to make it an enabling factor.
Make reality your friend
by making positive use of it. 

 Ralph Marston

Gluten Free Easy Grasshopper Bars

1Box Betty Crocker® Gluten Free devil's food cake mix
1/3Cup vegetable oil
2Tablespoons water
1Container Betty Crocker® Rich & Creamy cream cheese frosting
1/4Teaspoon mint extract
3To 4 drops green food color
1Oz unsweetened baking chocolate
1Tablespoon butter

  • Heat oven to 350°F. Spray bottom only of 13x9-inch pan with cooking spray. In large bowl, stir bar ingredients until soft dough forms. Press dough in bottom of pan. Bake 15 minutes. Cool about 10 minutes.
  • In frosting container, stir in mint extract and food color. Spread over bars.
  • In small microwavable bowl, microwave glaze ingredients uncovered on High 30 seconds; stir until smooth. Drizzle over frosting. Refrigerate 30 minutes or until set. For bars, cut into 6 rows by 6 rows.

    A tip for holiday packing. 
    Store shoes inside shower caps 
    to stop dirty soles rubbing on your clothes.
     And you can find them
     in just about every hotel!
    Pinsal Falls in Ilocos Sur

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