Thursday, November 21, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD... 11/21/2013 - ♥

You have to take the good with the bad,
smile when you’re sad, 

love what you’ve got 

and remember what you had.

 Always forgive but 

never forget, 

learn from your mistakes 

but never regret, 

people change, things go wrong,
just remember the blessing of life 

does go on.

Another way of looking at this:
 Don’t feel bad if 
people remember you 
only when they need you. 
Feel privileged that you are 
like a candle that 
comes to their mind 
when there is darkness. 

There is no passion
to be found playing small –
in settling for a life that is less than
the one you are capable of living.

Nelson Mandela

When you’re brave enough
to let go of anything
you don’t absolutely love or need,
what you have left is the space
for stillness and possibility.

— Cheryl Richardson 

It is not through thinking
that one arrives home.
It is through feeling.
So think less, feel more.


People think being alone makes you lonely,
 but I don't think that's true.
Being surrounded by the wrong people
 is the loneliest thing in the world.
Kim Culbertson 

The life given us,
by nature is short;
but the memory of a well-spent life
is eternal.

— Cicero

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