Friday, November 22, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD... 11/22/2013 - ♥

It's time to clean house and surrender
any destructive thought in your head.
 No more will you allow negative people
to scramble your brain.
 No more will you dwell on painful
uncomfortable times.
 let go means- LET GO!

Make it a priority to keep investing
in yourself and your well being.
 Make room in your life for happiness,
success, healing and fulfilling relationships.

Before you know it, you will start feeling
entitled to a abundance.
 And that is as it should be.
 Because you are number one.

Once you connect with yourself,
it is impossible
to be lonely or desperate.

-Bryant McGill 

If I am to be remembered, 
I hope it is for the honesty
I try to demonstrate,
the patience I try to live by,
and the compassion
I feel for others.

~*~ JoAnn Reed

The way to happiness:
Keep your heart free from hate,
your mind from worry.
Live simply,
expect little,
give much.
Scatter sunshine,
forget self,
think of others.
Try this for a week
and you will be surprised.

Norman Vincent Peale

The beginning of knowledge
is the discovery of something
we do not understand.

Frank Herbert

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