Saturday, November 23, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD... 11/23/2013 - ♥

One small act of kindness 

can have a huge impact on the world, 

even when you don't realize it. 

Think of one small thing you can do 

to make someone's day.

“Freeing yourself was one thing,
claiming ownership of that
freed self was another.”

- Toni Morrison \

Everyone makes mistakes in life, 
but that doesn’t mean they have to 
pay for them the rest of their life. 
Sometimes good people make bad 
choices, but doesn’t mean they are bad. 
It means they are human.

~ Anonymous

“There is no chance,
no destiny, no fate,
that can circumvent,
or hinder or control
the firm resolve of a determined soul.” 

Ella Wilcox

Courage is not the towering oak 
that sees storms come and go;
it is the fragile blossom that 
opens in the snow.

- Alice M. Swaimm

“In the depth of winter,
 I finally learned that
within me
 there lay an invincible summer.” 

-Albert Camus

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