Thursday, November 28, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD... 11/28/2013 - ♥

Sometimes in life 

we forget why we started on a particular ‘road.’ 

And often we end up staying on that path, 

even if it’s not a good one for us, 

out of comfort and familiarity. 

Then that road – sometimes unexpectedly – 

comes toan end. 

You may not have wanted that part of your journey to be over, 

but it’s a good thing.

Now you’ll be able to create your own path, consciously and 

intentionally. No more auto-pilot. And take heart: all the roads you’ve taken in

 life – complete with huge potholes, beautiful views, lengthy construction and

smooth stretches – have led you to this point. 

You can use the knowledge 

you’ve gained to lead you in a positive direction 

as you take your first steps on the uncharted road ahead. 

I wish you a wonderful journey. 

"When the power of love 

overcomes the love of power 

the world will know peace." 

~ Jimi Hendrix 

"You can mask yourself 

in all the most beautiful things in the world, 

but if your soul is not beautiful, 


others will see through your mask." 

It's not an easy journey,
to get to a place where you forgive people.
But it is such a powerful place,
because it frees you.

Tyler Perry

Not what we say about our blessings, 
but how we use them, 
is the true measure 
of our thanksgiving.

—W.T. Purkiser

The best part of life is not just surviving,
But thriving with passion and compassion
and humor and style,
 Generosity and kindness.

~ Maya Angelou

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