Friday, November 29, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD... 11/29/2013 - ♥

Everyone has a secret they haven’t shared. 

Everyone has a past no one’s heard about. 

Everyone has talents that people don’t notice. 

Everyone has weaknesses hidden inside. 

Everyone has a story left untold. 

Never judge someone while thinking 

you’ve got them figured out…. 

Because the truth is, 

you probably don’t.

We must not, in trying to think about
how we can make a big difference,
ignore the small daily differences we
can make which, over time, add up
to big differences that we often
cannot foresee.

~ Marian Wright Edelman

Give the world the best you have,
and the best will come back to you.

-Madeline Bridge 

A man is not finished
when he is defeated. 
He is finished when he quits. 

~ Richard Milhous Nixon

The real things haven't changed.
it is still best to be honest and truthful;
to make the most of what we have;
to be happy with simple pleasures;
and have courage when things go wrong.

-Laura Ingalls Wilder

Don’t be afraid of change, 
because it is leading you to 
a new beginning. 

~ Joyce Meyer 

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