Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The secret to getting things done,
is doing them.
That may sound obvious,
 yet too few people take it to heart.
 All too often we avoid taking action
 because we feel we’re not qualified,
or not worthy, or the timing isn’t right,
or the market conditions are not ideal,
 or it might not work out, or
 “what would people think?",
 or “what would I be missing?”
 The list of reasons for not taking action,
 is endless.
What are YOU waiting for?
Whatever it is,
 it won’t come unless
you do something about it.
There are many obstacles
 to every course of action.
The biggest obstacle, however,
 comes from not doing anything.
 that’s an obstacle that you
can overcome instantly,
as soon as you start to take action.
Waiting for things to get better?
They’ll be better when you make them better.
 Get busy and make it happen.
Ralph Marston

You cannot control 
what happens to you,
but you can control 
your attitude toward
what happens to you,
 and in that, 
you will be mastering change 
rather than allowing
it to master you. 

~ Brian Tracy

Wherever there is 

a human in need,

there is an opportunity

 for kindness

and to make a difference.

~Kevin Heath

"You are not here 
merely to make a living. 
You are here in order
 to enable the world to live 
more amply, 
with greater vision, 
with a finer spirit 
of hope and achievement. 
You are here 
to enrich the world, 
and to impoverish yourself 
if you forget the errand."  

 -Woodrow Wilson

Treat people as if 
they were what
they ought to be, 
and help them
become what they are 
capable of being.

Look at a day 
when you are supremely 
satisfied at the end - 
it's when you've had 
everything to do, 
and you've done it.

~ Margaret Thatcher

“There are no detours around obstacles.”

There isn’t a meaningful goal that can be achieved,
without facing obstacles and hurdles.
It’s an inevitable part of life’s road to success.
The more you come to grips with this,
 the faster you’ll get where you want to go!
Instead of seeing difficulties
 as the end of your dreams,
 see them as part of the journey.
 View obstacles as challenges,
 which, once overcome,
will bring you closer to your destination.
 Refuse to be stopped –
 keep focusing on where you want to go.
When the going gets tough,
remind yourself that snags build wisdom,
perseverance and strength.
With this outlook your frustrations will transform
 to motivations and success
 will come your way more quickly.

©Jane Powell

Banaue Rice Terraces 
(Hagdan-hagdang Palayan ng Banawe) 

Banaue Rice Terraces (Hagdan-hagdang Palayan ng Banawe)
 also called Payo, are 2000-year old terraces 
that were carved into the mountains of Ifugao
 in the Philippines by ancestors of the indigenous people. 
The Rice Terraces are commonly referred as 
the "Eighth Wonder of the World".

Bibingka is a yellow rice cake traditionally made from rice flour, eggs, milk and sugar.
It is brushed with butter,
 topped with either salted egg or cheese,
and served with niyog (grated coconut).
The sweet and salty bibingka has a soft 
and fluffy texture similar to puto,

another Filipino rice cake,

and is eaten warm.

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