Thursday, January 9, 2014

You have a choice.  
You can be confident or unconfident,
 happy or unhappy,
 attractive or unattractive, 
powerful or weak.
All these things start with you 
and what you tell yourself about
 what you can and cannot do.
Your mind is where you define your limits. 
If  your inner thoughts are self-defeating, 
you will become what they tell you. 
If your thoughts are empowering,
 positive and upbeat,
 you will become that person.
 It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.
Impress upon your mind what you want to be,
 not what you don’t want to be.
 That is where the true power 
of self suggestion lies.
©Jane Powell

In the effort 
to give good and 
comforting answers
to the young questioners
 whom we love, 
we may very often 
arrive at good 
and comforting
answers for ourselves.

~ Ruth Goode

"When I was young, 
I used to admire
intelligent people; 
as I grow older,
I admire kind people."

-Abraham Joshua Heschel

Trouble is part 
of your life, 
and if you don't share it, 
you don't give the person 
who loves you 
enough chance 
to love you enough. 

 ~Dinah Shore

Arranging a bowl of flowers 
in the morning 
can give a sense of quiet 
in a crowded day - 
like writing a
poem or 
saying a prayer. 

~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

You are educated.  
Your certification 
is in your degree.
You may think of it 
as the ticket to the good life. 
 Let me ask you 
to think of an alternative. 
 Think of it as your ticket 
to change the world.

~Tom Brokaw

Happiness is here now

The possibilities for greater and greater fulfillment
 are immense and amazing.
Explore them,
and claim the best for your own
by acting on them now.
If there’s something you’ve been meaning to do,
now is the time to get moving.
If you’ve been wanting a change for the better,
now is when you can make that change happen.
Your dreams and desires are real
and alive in this moment.
Use this time to follow where they lead.
Your unique and priceless journey
 has brought you now to this point.
Pay sincere tribute to all that rich experience
 by making meaningful use of it on this day.
Happiness and joy
 and fulfillment are now yours.
Live them today
in your own special way.

Ralph Marston

St. John the Baptist Church in Liliw, Laguna. 

The church is known for its bricked baroque style architecture and elegant facade.
 Its immense belfry gives one a good view of Laguna de Bay. 
From the church entrance, 
there's a small passageway to the left that leads to Capilla de Buenaventura,
 where you can light a candle and whisper the deepest
 and purest intents of the heart. 
To the right is the shrine's adoration chapel.
Kare-kare is a Philippine stew. It is made from peanut sauce
 with a variety of vegetables, stewed oxtail, beef,
 and occasionally offal or tripe.
 Meat variants may include goat meat or (rarely) chicken.
 It is often eaten with bagoong (shrimp paste),
 sometimes spiced with chili,
 and sprinkled with calamansi juice. 

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