Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cherish loved ones,
 The ones we love 
can be taken away from us 
at any given moment, 
make sure let them know
 how much you love them.
Never take them for granted,
 let them know each and everyday 
how much you care, 
because once their gone...
I wish 
or I should have said 
or done this or that,
 means nothing.

“Claim your personal power.”
When you are in touch with your personal power, 
you’re confident, decisive, focused, 
purposeful, energetic and empowered.
Sounds great, 
but truthfully how often do you feel like this? 
Personal power or lack of it is created 
by you and you alone.
 You decrease your power by blaming others 
or external forces for your misfortunes. 
Why give up what is rightfully yours?
Claim your personal power today!
Try not to blame outside forces for disappointments. 
Don’t wait for others to change their behavior, 
instead choose to change your response. 
Stand strong and refuse to be a victim. 
You can do it!

©Jane Powell

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