Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Everyday is a new opportunity to live 
with an open heart. 
Is an opportunity to release pain, 
an opportunity to forgive and forget
and live in a place of peace. 
You are in control of your emotions. 
Choose to Release what holds you down 
to be happy... 
and just be Happy.

To be true to yourself and those around you, 
it's A must to learn to manage your emotions. 
 It is a Critical step toward living a happy, 
successful, and Fulfilled life.  
This doesn't mean that you control them
By ignoring and repressing them,
 it simply means Listening to them. 
 What are they telling you?
When you let your emotions control you, 
you miss The message that they carry.  
When you ignore them 
For fear of what they might cause you to do or feel,
They simply return later as anger.
Observe what you say as your emotions peak and Fall.  
Tune in and identify any judgments you might  Have 
about the way you feel.  
These thoughts Translate into what you believe to be true 
about Yourself.  
They can be accurate or untrue and Damaging. 
You decide if change is in order.


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