Monday, April 7, 2014

Don't bring the bad moments of the past 
to your present. 
Cherish the good times 
and let the bad ones in the past. 
Remind yourself 
that every time you bring your painful memories
 to your present, 
you take away precious time 
that you could instead enjoy doing other things.
You can't change your past.
Let go 
and Enjoy the present 
that is a Gift.

“Change makes the difference.”
If you want your life to be something other than it is right now, 
your only true option is change. 
Change takes courage and isn’t easy, 
especially if you’re feeling safe and secure with the way things are.
The hardest part about change is instigating it. 
This feels risky, 
but once you take that first step 
you set things in motion.
Today is your day to take that first step 
and stop letting life push you around. 
Today is the day you take charge
 of the changes you need to make in your life.
Start by identifying small things that you would like to change, 
just tiny things – things that are holding you back. 
Make a promise to yourself. 
Then, stick to that promise and watch yourself change. 
As you tackle small changes, 
your confidence will grow. 
You’ll find that bigger changes don’t seem insurmountable.
And, most important, 
that change is rewarding and fun, 
after all!
©Jane Powell

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