Sunday, April 6, 2014

My soul is dressed with beams of light 
that I may serve as a beacon 
to those in the shadows 
who are seeking vision and spirit. 
By bringing earth closer to heaven 
we can all give birth to the magnificence of ourown being. 
Ours is a journey of compassion and transformation,
 by breathing in the moment 
we cultivate spiritual well~being 
and celebrate the miracle of life. 
Let your global soul create a new humanity.
~Micheal Teal 

“Gratitude does wonders for your attitude.”
Gratitude is one of those words 
that you don’t hear very often, 
but it is one that can do magic 
when it comes to shifting your attitude. 
Make a list of the things that you are most thankful for
 and make it a comprehensive list. 
This list holds your most cherished times, 
possessions and people in your life.
When you’re having one of those bad days 
and you need to feel better, 
more positive 
and more resourceful, 
refer back your Gratitude List.
After all, 
what you are most grateful for
matters most.

©Jane Powell

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