Monday, April 14, 2014

Encouragement means support, 
confidence or hope provided to one, 
by a well-wisher. 
Encouragement becomes the driving force, 
which helps us climb the ladders of success
 or tread without falling on the path that leads to our destination. 
Encouragement helps to bring out the best in us, too.
 As human beings, 
all of us need encouragement to unlock our potential, 
especially at times, 
when we are feeling low 
or have lost all hope.

"Dear God, 
I surrender to You who I am, 

what I have, 
and what I do. 
May my life and talents be used
in whatever way serves You best. 
I surrender to You my failures and any pain still in my heart.
I surrender to You my successes 

and the hopes that they contain. 
May the Light of Your Love shine deep within my heart 
and extend through me to bless the world. 

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