Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Live life on your terms. 
You have the ability to do that. 
Get still - 
regardless of what you are facing -
 be that finances, employment, 
or challenges with your family or relationships. 
Get still. 
This is no time to give in to stress,
pressures that are put upon you, 
your fears or your circumstances.
Look in the mirror and remind yourself
 that you are God's miracle child. 
Stand tall within yourself and resolve - 
where there's a will, there's a way.
I am bigger than this! 
Say to yourself -
 It's not over until I win!

—Les Brown
How you define yourself, 
to yourself, 
depend on your core beliefs,
 the level of personal development you are at 
and the stage of life you are in. 
In other words, 
your identity changes and evolves over time. 
Most people enter adulthood with unresolved inner conflicts 
that remain unresolved out of ignorance of who they are, 
including an inability to function as a whole person. 
Self-Awareness is the process of discovering your true Self 
by means of Self-observation and assimilating 
and implementing accurate information about you.

When you don’t know your Self

 and are able to function as a whole person,
 you are bound to live life under the control of your ego. 
Your effectiveness in life is compromised by your ego 
scattering energy and vitality in different 
and often opposite directions. 
The ego’s personality emerges out of childhood 
with competing core beliefs. 
This inner conflict is painful 
and maintains a background low-level inner anxiety 
as if you are always in a state of survival. 
In fact, 
your ego lives in an unconscious state of survival.

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