Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Today is the Perfect Day!
"Yes, you may have issues to deal with today...
but it's a perfect day.

Yes, you may have an encounter with a 
disrespectful person today...

but it's a perfect day.

Yes, you may shed some tears today, 

but it's a perfect day.

Today is a perfect day because you are alive.

Today is a perfect day because you exist.

Today is a perfect day because it is all about 


it is all about how you allow yourself to feel, 

think and be.

Allow yourself to have a perfect day...

today and everyday.

Because you deserve it!"

~Kim Bayne

"Who am I today?" I ask..
and I wonder if I even know.
i know the past has shaped me now,
even though the past was long ago.
The little moments form a blur,
the times both happy and sad,
all the people I once knew,
and the things I used to have.
They all helped me to become
where, what and who I am now,
because everything has influenced me,
I'm not sure exactly how.
But I'm thankful for the memories,
even of the people I've never really met,
for the people I miss, the people I love,
and even the people I'd like to forget.
For these memories have helped me grow,
they've made me calm, yet strong,
and now there's a story to my life,
that they've been writing all along.
So, thank you for the memories.
without them, I don't know who I'd be -
because somewhere among these memories
are the things that define me.


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