Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I have my own rose garden
Full of beautiful roses
But they are all unique
Some red and some yellow
Some of them are closed
While some are fully bloomed
But they all have thorns
Some have a few , others many
I search for a single rose
In my vast rose garden
A rose which best suits me
A rose with no thorn
I observe each rose
But all of them have thorns

That one rose maybe there

In my beautiful rose garden

Or it may bloom afresh
To take its place

A special place

In my wonderful rose garden .

  Positive Purpose
To reach any goal you choose, 
it's really not that complicated or even all that difficult.
It is mainly a matter of acting on it. 
One way or another, 
action is what will make the difference. 
Action is what will take you to where you want to go, 
and action is what you can surely do.
If you feel frustration along the way, 
don't let yourself get bogged down in it.
Decide to turn the energy of your frustration into positive action.
If you become worried about what could happen, 
there's a great way to get beyond that worry.
Take the actions necessary to make sure 
that whatever you're worried about cannot
and does not happen.
If one path becomes blocked, 
don't spend a lot of time and energy complaining or regretting 
or feeling sorry for yourself. 
find another path and get yourself on it,
for it is surely there.
The difference between those who merely wish 
and those who actually arrive is always action.
Act on it, 
with persistence, 
with commitment, 
with positive purpose,
 and it will be.
~Ralph Marston~

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