Monday, April 28, 2014

Here's to the people 
who try their hardest to be good enough 
for someone; 
who spend hours reading random quotes 
to find the right one; 
who listen to the same song dozens of times 
because the lyrics mean a lot; 
who deserve so much more than they get 
and are willing to fight for it 
and those who wished upon a shooting star, 
wasted on someone that will never care; 
and to the beautiful people
 that feel lonely in their heart. 
Harmonious Balance
We all know the old adage - 
what you give out you get back,
or what goes around comes around. 
But we forget this cast iron law
which is found everywhere in the universe.
The energy of life is constantly moving 
at physical, mental and spiritual levels.
And if we stand back and just observe, 
we see it moving in the process of exchange.
In the context of our relationships,
 we give and receive energy, 
and when we are truly giving and receiving positive energy 
there is harmony and balance.
But when we do what we are taught to do, 
which is to take and to keep,
then we destroy the harmony and the balance of our life.
When we say possession is nine tenths of the law
we give life to the illusion of ownership which blocks out the truth.
It is possession itself which is our attempt 
to break the law and it is that illusion
which lies at the heart of all human pain, 
discomfort and disharmony.
While many 'things' will come to us, 
we possess nothing.
We intuitively acknowledge this 
when we say to each other,
"You can't take it with you when you go."
 Can you?

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