Sunday, April 27, 2014

"You live in today...not yesterday.
Yesterday is done and gone, 
no matter what happened yesterday 
you can't do anything to change it. 
Stop dwelling on it...
take a deep breath 
and know that today is a brand new day. 
Each we day we awake is a new beginning, 
a chance to better our life. 
How lucky are we that every day 
we are given a chance
 to change the way we think...
we can choose 
to let yesterdays troubles weigh us down 
or we can choose 
to let today be the day we start to be happy...
because we can, 
because we need to."

The fact that you can
Not only are you already highly capable, 
you are capable of becoming even more capable. 
Exercise your capabilities, 
and nothing is beyond your reach. 
When you’ve enjoyed great success 
you can step forward and create even more. 
When you encounter disappointments and obstacles,
 you can raise your own level of ability
 to get beyond them. 
The way to make full
 and increasing use of your capabilities 
is to have an authentic reason. 
True desire will push your effectiveness 
higher and higher. 
Know that you can, 
know why you must, 
and you’ll find a way to get it done.
 Put your amazing abilities to good use
 by giving yourself a powerful 
and meaningful reason to do so. 
Do not agonize over why you can’t. 
and express with your actions 
the fact that you can. 
Every situation is your opportunity
 to put your dynamic capabilities to good use.
 Every day is a day 
in which you can make a real difference
 in a meaningful and effective way. 

Ralph Marston

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