Saturday, April 26, 2014

Don't ever let anyone break your soul. 
You have to stand on your own two feet and fight. 
There are those who would do anything to see you fall.
 Never give them the satisfaction. 
Hold your head up high. 
Put a smile on your face 
and stand your ground.

 Embrace Change
When you are aware and accept that 
everything around you is constantly changing, 
and that you have no control over 99.99% of it, 
you are able to embrace change like a close friend!
Change is a like a river, 
constantly flowing and moving things around.
The river of life is constantly bringing you ideas, 
people, situations -
each one is an opportunity to be enriched 
or to enrich others,
to grow and to learn.
Change is the play of the universe 
as it entertains us 
in the biggest light-and-sound show of all time.
Why fight it, 
why not sit back 
and enjoy the show?

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