Friday, April 25, 2014

I let it go. 
It’s like swimming against the current.
It exhausts you. 
After a while, 
whoever you are, 
you just have to let go, 
and the river brings you home. 

Joanne Harris 

Get good from it
Instead of worrying about how difficult it is, 
focus on how good it can be. 
Instead of being intimidated by the challenges, 
choose to be energized and inspired by them.
Whatever the situation may be,
 you can get good from it. 
Keep that potential goodness 
at the center of your awareness, 
and advance confidently in the direction 
of the best possibilities.
People will doubt you, 
laugh at you, 
complain and oppose you.
Yet none of that really matters so much, 
because even when they do, 
you can get good from it.
There’s no need to fret about 
what might or might not be. 
Simply make the commitment 
that whatever may come,
 you will do whatever is necessary 
to get good from it.
there is much goodness in life.
 Better yet, 
there is the possibility for much, 
much more.
You are wonderfully able to bring 
that new goodness into being, 
no matter what. 
Take this day, 
this life, 
this moment, 
this situation, 
and get good from it.

 Ralph Marston

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