Thursday, March 7, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD 03/07/2013 - ♥

Your mind is like a garden
Whatever you plant will grow.
Your thoughts are seeds you're planting,
They produce, each after its kind.

And, you just like a Gardner,
Can choose which seeds you will plant.
And by choice of seeds you sow,
You choose the harvest you will reap.

So do not plant seeds of lack or fear,
Disease, discord or doubt.
Plant instead, the seeds you want,
Then things you want will sprout.

This gift of choice is given to all
And not just a few.
The harvest, friend is in your hands,
The crop depends on you.

So take this power which you have been given
And use it every day
To gain from life the good you want,
For you have found the way.

- Unknown -

If at any time 
I begin to lose hope in myself, 
let me simply look inside my heart 
and see all the good actions  
I have ever performed,
from the smallest 
to the grandest.

When I see how much happiness 
I have given,
I easily remember 
the purpose of my life.

~ Unknown

Where we love is home,
Home that our feet may leave, 
but not our hearts.

~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Everyday is a day 
to have a positive attitude. 
and keep positive 
regardless of the circumstances 
that attempt 
to beat you down.


"I believe that nothing 
that happens to me is meaningless, 
and that it is good for us all 
that it should be so, 
even if it runs counter to our own wishes. 
As I see it, 
I’m here for some purpose,
and I only hope
I may fulfill it."

-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The bottom line is that 
I am responsible for
 my own well-being, 
my own happiness. 
The choices 
and decisions I make 
regarding my life

 directly influence 
the quality of my days.

~ Kathleen Andrus

after all!


  • package (18-1/4 ounces) yellow cake mix
  • 2 cans (16 ounces each) chocolate frosting
  • 19 yellow chick Peeps candies
  • 1-1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips

  • Prepare and bake cake according to package directions, 
    using two greased and waxed paper-lined 9-in. 
    Round baking pans. Cool for 10 minutes 
    before removing from pans to wire racks
     to cool completely; carefully remove waxed paper.
  • Level tops of cakes. Spread frosting 
    between layers and over the top 
    and sides of cake.
  • Without separating Peeps 
    and curving slightly to fit, 
    arrange chicks around edge of cake 
    for sunflower petals. 
    For sunflower seeds, 
    arrange chocolate chips 
    in center of cake. 


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