Monday, March 18, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD 03/18/2013 - ♥

Whatever your cross, 
Whatever your pain, 
There will always be sunshine, 
After the rain...
Perhaps you may stumble, 
Perhaps even fall, 
But God's always ready, 
To answer your call.

He knows every heartache, 
Sees every tear, 

A word from His lips, 

Can calm every fear... 

Your sorrows may linger, 

Throughout the night, 

But suddenly vanish, 

Dawn's' early light.

The Savior is waiting, 

Somewhere above, 

To give you His grace, 

And send you His love.

Whatever your cross, 

Whatever your pain, 

"God always sends rainbows

After the rain." 


You have the potential
 to be anything you want. 
You are free to choose. 
You are limited only by your fears.
 Let your dreams take over.
 Fly with the eagles, 
soar into life. 
The world
 is waiting for you.


"You can motivate by fear.
 And you can motivate by reward. 
But both of these methods 
are only temporary. 
The only lasting thing 
is self-motivation."

- Homer Rice

There is work that is work
 and there is play that is play; 
there is play that is work
 and work that is play. 
And in only one of these 
lies happiness.

~~Gelett Burgess

I cannot believe that 
the purpose of life is merely to be happy. 
I think the purpose of life 
is to be useful, 
to be responsible,
to be honorable, 
to be compassionate.
It is, above all, 
to matter: 
to stand for something, 
to have it make some difference 
that you lived at all.


"The more tranquil a man becomes,
 the greater is his success, 
His influence, 
his power for good. 
Calmness of mind 
is one of The beautiful jewels
 of wisdom."

-- James Allen

Frank Sinatra and Grace Kelly


18 chocolate graham cracker squares, 

finely crushed (1 1/2 cups)

1/2 cup butter, melted

2 Tbsp. Sugar

2 8-oz. Pkg. Cream cheese, softened
1 cup creamy peanut butter
1/4 cup sugar
3 eggs
1-1/2 cups semisweet chocolate pieces
2 Tbsp. Milk
1/2 tsp. Vanilla
Peanuts (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Combine crackers, melted butter, and 2 tablespoons sugar. Press into bottom and 1 inch up sides of a 9-inch springform pan; set aside. In bowl beat 1 package cream cheese with electric mixer until smooth. Beat in peanut butter and 1/4 cup sugar until combined. Fold in 1 lightly beaten egg; set aside.

2. In saucepan stir chocolate over low heat until melted and smooth. Remove from heat. Cube remaining cream cheese; add to chocolate. Stir to combine. Stir in milk and vanilla until smooth. Fold in 2 lightly beaten eggs. Spread half the chocolate mixture into pan. Carefully spread all the peanut butter mixture over layer. Evenly spread remaining chocolate mixture.

3. Bake 45 minutes or until top is set when lightly shaken. Outer 2 inches of the top will be slightly puffed and dry-looking; center will look darker and wet. Cool in pan on rack 15 minutes. Use a small sharp knife to loosen crust from sides; cool completely on rack. Cover; chill 4 hours. Let stand at room temperature 15 minutes before serving. Sprinkle with peanuts.

Makes 16 servings.

Easy and Creative Kitchen Solutions

Insert some chocolate chips
 to the center of a raspberry, 
to add surprising flavors! 

In 1938, Federico Guillergan Sr.,
 a butcher working at La Paz market,
 who concocted a simple soup mixed with chopped meat
 flavored with local herbs and spices. 
This simple soup became an Ilonggo staple,
 and now they say that you haven’t gone to Iloilo
 until you try the La Paz Batchoy!

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