Tuesday, March 19, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD 03/19/2013 - ♥

Some people sit, 
some people try;
Some people laugh, 
some people cry;
Some people will, 
some people won't;
Some people do, 
some people don't.
Some people believe, 
and develop a plan;
Some people doubt, 
never think that they can;
Some people face hurdles 
and give it their best;
Some people back down 
when faced with a test.

Some people complain 
of their miserable lot;
Some people are thankful 
for all that they've got;
And when it's all over, 
when it comes to an end;
Some people lose out, 
and some people win.

We all have a choice, 
we all have a say;
We are spectators in life, 
or we get in and play;
Whichever we choose, 
how we handle life's game;
The choices are ours, 
no one else is to blame

Trust and Love go hand in hand. 
Trust is the foundation 
of a relationship, 
you can't build a house 
without the foundation first,
 just like you can't build 
love and happiness 
without trust. 
Trust is the glue in a relationship. 
No trust =no relationship. 
Without trust, 
there is no love.


Obstacles can't stop you.
Problems can't stop you.
Most of all, 
other people can't stop you.
Only you can stop you.

~~Jeffrey Gitomer

When you wake up in he morning,
 shout out to the world, 
"I'm back!" 
It acknowledges the gift 
you've received to be 
on this planet for 
another day.

When your world caves in.  
When the lights go out.  
When devastating news arrives. 
 When fools rush in.  
When you have done everything you can 
and find yourself crushed
 by the weight of doing-
right there is where God 
wants you to stop and be still.  
Stand before the only hope 
you have and wait.

~~Angela Thomas
Do You Think I'm Beautiful?

To fulfill a dream, 
to be allowed to sweat over lonely labor, 
to be given the chance to create, 
is the meat and potatoes of life.

-Bette Davis

130g soft, unsalted butter
65g caster sugar
60g soft light brown sugar
2 medium eggs
120g plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
Splash of milk
For the topping:
75g soft, unsalted butter
200g icing sugar
100g strawberries, chopped finely
12 small whole strawberries, 
or 3 large ones, cut into quarters
50g plain chocolate

1. First, melt the chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water. 
Dip in the strawberries or strawberry quarters one by one, 
and leave them on a piece of greaseproof paper to set.

2. Preheat the oven to 200C/Gas Mark 6. Beat the butter, caster sugar 
and light brown sugar until fluffy. Crack in the eggs, and beat again until smooth. 
Stir in the flour, baking powder and vanilla extract and 
mix until it forms a dropping consistency. 
Add a splash of milk (about a teaspoon at a time) to loosen up the mixture if you need to.

3.Pour the cake batter into a 12-hole silicone cupcake mould 
and bake in the oven for about 15-20 minutes, 
until firm and springy to the touch. Lift out gently and cool on a wire rack.

4.Meanwhile, get on with the topping. 
Beat the butter and icing sugar together until it forms a stiff paste.  
Fold in the chopped strawberries. 
As you mix, the juice from the strawberries will turn the icing pink; 
it will also loosen it considerably. 
Spoon a teaspoonful or so onto each cupcake and top with 
the chocolate-dipped strawberries. 

Serve straight away.

Easy and Creative Kitchen Solutions

It's always charming 
to have shaped 

Kung ang Italy, may gelato, 
ang Pilipinas naman, may "dirty ice cream." 
Also known as sorbetes, 
this delightful treat is commonly sold 
in colorful carts along busy streets, 
in flavors such as chocolate, cheese & ube.
 In the early 1920s, 
dealers bred their own cows and milked them
 with their own hands to ensure the freshness 
and sanitation of the milk needed 
to make the “dirty ice cream."

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