Wednesday, March 20, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD 03/20/2013 - ♥

Will you one day look back 
on today and wonder 
why you were so afraid to take action? 
Will you look back one day 
and not be able to understand 
why you let so many of life's trivial, 
minor inconveniences get you down 
and hold you back 
in such a major way?
Or will you look back on this day 
and be forever thankful 
for the way you spent it 
and the value you created 
by making full use of the time available? 
Will you look back fondly 
and see this day as a 
positive turning point 
that launched you toward fulfillment 
of your most treasured dreams.

Today can eventually become 
a source of regret 
or it can become 
a source of continuing value. 
The way it goes depends entirely 
on how you live the moments 
and hours that are yours 
right now in this day.

Time is the raw material for success 
and achievement, 
and time is what you have 
this very day. 
The time you need to achieve
 the life of your dreams 
is coming to you even now.
No matter what has come before 
or in what circumstances 
you find yourself, 
there is one thing you can always do. 
You can make the very most 
of whatever you have, 
of wherever you find yourself, 
of the time that is available
 for you to use.

 Do that today, 
the next day 
and the next, 
and you'll have very little to regret 
and much for which 
to be grateful.

~Ralph Marston

To live circumspectly 
means to live with the realization 
that the whole of our lives is connected.  
We are charged to live our lives, 
weighing our decisions and actions 
from every angle and point of view.  
We need to take a walk
 around our decisions, 
visit every room, 
and be certain we like the way 
it looks and feels from every angle
 before we commit ourselves 
to it long term.

~~Lisa Bevere
Kissed the Girls

You've got to think about the big things
While you're doing the small things,
So that all the small things
Go in the right direction.

- Alvin Toffer

can only be understood
But it must be lived 

- Soren Kierkegaard
may cause interruptions and delays, 
but never lose sight of your goal. 
Prepare yourself 
in every way you can 
by increasing your knowledge 
and adding to your experience,
 so that you can make 
the most of opportunity 
when it occurs."

~~Mario Andretti
Auto Racer
Life is a journey.
It's NOT a guided tour.
So don't miss the ride.
You don't get 
a second shot at it!


1940's moon manicure

Kilalanin si Maria Y. Orosa, food technologist. 

Siya ang nagimbento ng 
Pinoy food product na BANANA KETCHUP! 
Kung saan, hanggang ngayon
ginagamit pa rin natin 
sa napakaraming pagkaing Pilipino.

Beautiful sculpture

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