Tuesday, March 26, 2013

♥ - WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD 03/26/2013 - ♥

 when I awoke,
 I suddenly realized
 that this is the best day of my life,

There were times when I wondered 
if I would make it to today; 
but I did! 
And because I did 
I'm going to celebrate!

I'm going to celebrate 
what an unbelievable life 
I have had so far 
the accomplishments, 
the many blessings,
 and yes, even the hardships 
because they have served 
to make me stronger.
I will go through this day 
with my head held high, 
and a happy heart. 
I will marvel at God's 
seemingly simple gifts
 the morning dew, 
the sun, the clouds, the trees, 
the flowers, the birds. 

none of these miraculous creations 
will escape my notice.
I will share my excitement for life
 with other people.
 I'll make someone smile.
 I'll go out of my way to perform an unexpected act 
of kindness for someone 
I don't even know. 
I'll give a sincere compliment
to someone who seems down.
 I'll tell a child how special he is,
 and I'll tell someone 
I love just how deeply I care for her 
and how much she means to me.
Today is the day I quit worrying about
 what I don't have and 
start being grateful
 for all the wonderful things 
God has already given me. 

I'll remember that to worry 
is just a waste of time 
because my faith in God 
and his Divine Plan 
ensures everything will be just fine.
And tonight, 
before I go to bed, 
I'll go outside and raise my eyes 
to the heavens.
 I will stand in awe at the beauty 
of the stars and the moon, 
and I will praise God
 for these magnificent treasures.


I stand for equality, kindness, 
treating people the way 
you want to be treated, 
and helping those in need. 
To me, 
those are 
Traditional Christian Values.
~~Ellen DeGeneres

Believe in yourself 
and all that you are.
Know that there is 
something inside 

greater than any obstacle.

~Christian D. Larson~

Take your heart to work 
and ask 

the most

 and best 

of everybody.

~Meryl Streep~

I have a play 
the melody philosophy.
It means don't over-arrange,
don't make life difficult.
Just play the melody—
and do it
the simplest way possible.

~Jackie Gleason~

“The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: 1 cross + 3 nails = 
4 given.”

My Dreams Are Worth It

Everyone you meet, 
everything you encounter, etc. – 
they’re all part of the learning 
experience we call ‘life.’ 
Never forget to acknowledge the lesson, 
especially when things don’t go your way. 
If you don’t get a job that you wanted
 or a relationship doesn’t work, 
it only means something better
 is out there waiting. 
And the lesson you just learned 
is the first step towards it. 
 there are no mistakes,
 only lessons.
 Love yourself, 
trust your choices,
 remember what you deserve,
 and keep pushing forward. 


Speedy salmon and leek one-pot

9 lb leeks , finely sliced
3 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp wholegrain mustard
2 tbsp clear honey
juice of half a lemon
250g pack cherry tomatoes , halved
4 skinless salmon fillets , 
about 175g/6oz each

Cook the leeks: 

Put the leeks into a large microwave dish 
and sprinkle over 2 tablespoons water. 
Cover the dish with cling film and pierce a couple of times with a fork. 
Cook on 850W for 3 minutes, then leave to stand for 1 minute.

Make the sauce: 

Whisk the olive oil, mustard, honey and lemon juice together and season 
with a little salt and pepper. Scatter the tomatoes on top of the leeks
and spoon over half the sauce.

Cook the salmon: 

Lay the salmon fillets side by side on top of the vegetables 
and spoon the remaining sauce over them.
Replace the cling film and continue cooking on 850W for 9 minutes. 
Leave to stand for a couple of minutes before serving.

Coffee Filter as Yogurt Strainer

For a dip that doesn't taste watered down, 
strain your yogurt before using it. 
Secure a paper coffee filter 
over the mouth of a deep cup or jar 
with a rubber band then pour in some yogurt. 
Any liquid in the yogurt will drain 
through the filter.

 - TULYA -

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